
The real creators of realistic dragons was ILM and Phil Tippet and go motion, with Dragonslayer.

There’s a lot less dragon vs. helicopter than I wanted in this movie, especially since most posters clearly show at least two attack helicopters.

I loved this movie for Peak McConaughey! Actually I just love this movie!

This movie was so great - I remember when It came on HBO or Cinemax and It was on all the time - I’d watch It every time. And the twist near the end with the wizard! So good. 

Totally agree.I was a theatre manager at the time and walked in on it every chance I had. It was sooo epically original, over the top and well-shot. 

I enjoyed it at the time, but my friend and I said coming out that it felt like they were gearing up for epic battle with the dragon, then just basically ended it in one shot.

I had no idea this had reached cult status.

The Star Wars re-enactment scene is outright delightful, and I wish the whole movie was just sort of things like that.

I enjoyed this movie then and still enjoy it now. It’s big dumb fun and what else can you really ask for. Also I am 99% sure I saw this in theaters opening weekend. Man, now I want a 4K release.

I remember being so stoked about this from the trailers, then thoroughly disappointed by the actual film.

I saw Reign of Fire FOUR times theatrically, have seen it multiple dozens of times since, and it’s probably still my favorite film of both Bale and McConaughey. The dragon designs are phenomenal, but the work The Secret Lab did on the CGI was some next-level shit and hold up remarkably to this day. Great, great, great

Game of Thrones Showrunners Say the One Thing They Got Right About the Pilot Was Admitting It Sucked

I’ll credit Chuck for sticking to his guns here, he’s explained why he’s absent from the game on Inside the NBA for the last few years.

Game in different rooms. I have Steam Link on my shield, but the option to not tie up the computer with games for the house is nice depending on the time of day.

You only need it if you want to play Sony exclusives. I want to play Xbox and Sony exclusives so I’m buying both. Also have a Switch for the same reason—Nintendo exclusives.

Alternate option: you buy a PS5 and don’t buy an Xbox that’s useless.

You got any more of them free vouchers?

What I hope to see:

See above, but you forget that Microsoft had over 80% marketshare (iPhone marketshare vs other smartphones is between 17 and 20%) when that bundling of IE bit took place. They no longer have that massive marketshare, and now they cleary DO BUNDLE MICROSOFT EDGE, and only their browser on Windows again.

Yes it is--under 20% for smartphones that is. Which means that 80% of all phones will let you stream whatever video games you want, that you probably already can get on about 10 other platforms as well.