
You know, at one point I think this place had a section which hosted entire video clips edited together with some humorous commentary and/or music, and not just screenshots...

Yeah, this wasn’t just another Marvel movie. This was a sea change in the representation of black people in film. It was a long, long overdue shift in the cultural landscape and Boseman became the symbol of it. To lose someone at such a young age is tragic enough but to lose someone who also embodied the hope and

I know that he was just a character in comic book movie, but god damn this one seems like a real loss.  I wanted more Black Panther.  He was a king!

The only indication (which I sadly suspected correctly as I’ve had family die from cancer) was quite a few months ago there was a twitter / instagram video of him where he looked very gaunt / thin and people were freaking out over it. In the back of my mind “oh dear... I hope he isn’t on chemo..” .. I pushed it aside

His towering performances are even more amazing considering what he was enduring behind the scenes.

RIP to the fucking king.

My ideal Avengers squad:

They still look bad. The art style just sucks. everyone looks like a slightly out of shape middle aged dad cosplaying.

The issue I have is that they’re trying to make a game that looks like an extension of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, down to everything but the very actor likenesses themselves. There’s so many other ways they could’ve taken this game. Heck, aren’t there other configurations of The Avengers they could’ve used?


....Seriously? The only comics version of the character who looked like their MCU counterpart initially was Tony Stark and RDJ. Captain America in the comics still used his iconic outfit with the wings and the scale-things on the blue. Thor still uses his helmet and only has a beard when he’s not actually “Thor.”

No one at Fox has ever read an X-Men story.

You know what Disney’s (and by extension Marvel’s) fucking problem is with this shit? They have such a deep attachment to and fear of their Marvel MCU that if unrelated marvel products (like this, their recent cartoons, MvC:I, etc) don’t end up looking like the MCU or emulating it, they’ll fear the audience won’t

I find it weird how people so strongly attach these actors to the Marvel characters like there’s no leeway for changing actors. 

Eh, who cares about Jean.

That’s it--you put a finger on it I’ve been struggling to realize: it’s SO vanilla and generic. Except for Kamala of course, since we’ve never had an actor for her yet.

I wish they didn’t do this dumb “like the MCU but not” shit.

But him being a “cuck who lets Logan just walk off with Jean” would be comic accurate. 

I’m just glad Marvel Studios has the license now. Say what you will about their “house style”, with that comes quality control and a cohesive vision on what these films should be, esp. post-Perlmutter. Can’t wait for X-Men films to go through the same meticulous care instead of reading about one production nightmare

Between white guy Sunspot and Storm acting as “a sadistic jailer,” I’m increasingly convinced that Boone never actually read a New Mutants story, or any X-Men comics for that matter.

In case you havent figured it out. I had to turn off my ad blocker and then it showed up