
in the claim, ZeniMax is in reference to the parent company and employees. So basically it was carmack correcting luckey.

The problem is that Sajak does not have a history of sarcastic tweets. .. and classic right wing rhetoric is to see how far you can push showing over the line, and then when you get called on it, you reply "oh you libs just don't get a joke and take everything so seriously". That's Limbaughs entire schtick.

though not his right hand.

The only thing left, really, is for Martin to pack each edition of Winds of Winter with a venomous spider placed about fifty pages before the end so that you, the reader, dies at the climax of the book.

I would have preferred it done by novice speedrunners, if only for the outtakes.

Given how good the other games looked on consoles, it's pretty safe to say that this will probably look great on XB1 and PS4. I'm looking forward to this.

You just saw it on PC with the highest settings (probably, and sadly).

Well because of the way you described the Terrorist House , now I want to see Sacha Baron Cohen do a parody movie about MTV's The Real World except instead of 20-30 somethings it is filled with terrorists. Can hear the promo now "Find out what happens when out when members from Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, the IRA, The

And this is why net neutrality is so important. So we can all bask in the glory of 1080p gif madness.

We really need a new animated image format that can handle this sort of stuff at the size your yer banner there!

Having Super Powers = you don't necessarily need muscles to be strong. She's roughly the same physique in that picture as the Justice League capture before the jump. People need to drop the "she's not big enough to be Wonder Woman" thing until we see a costume.

A close cousin to the anticlimax after the cliffhanger is the disappointing backstory:

Introducing the horcruxes in Harry Potter. What a mess.

I guarantee you that it's YouTube fighting back. Learning how to speak, gaining sentience. The hubris of man, thinking we could control it.

Ew, Alyx looks fucking awful in that picture. Fuck that man, Source is still a great looking engine, I dunno why HL2 needs more HDR and fancier textures. The Source engine updates were great, but those didn't totally ruin the atmosphere of the game. I feel the same way about most of these mods. Minecraft, for

He's essentially a 30-story tall, reptilian version of Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. These crazy MUTO kids are wrecking his lawn with their nuke eating and radioactive fucking while he's just trying to enjoy a good nap, so he's heading out to crack some skulls so he can get some peace and quiet.

That's intended as a

The film knows what Godzilla fandom wants, but it's not in a rush to give us what we want. So when something we expect (Godzilla uses a breath weapon! it's super effective!) happens, it's after a lot of build-up.

Dang it, Bobby!