
With the exception of Star Wars Galaxies (which did so well and never had its mechanics entirely overhauled several times at all), those are games aimed at an MMO crowd. I was speaking from the viewpoint of a fan of The Elder Scrolls entering their first MMO.

Yup, it's on Steam. Do a search on it for Watch_Dogs and it comes right up.

That was rather good! I started working on a Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth style version, but I never got around to finishing it up unfortunately!

That was pretty cool.

Rotate it a few degrees and I'd be a lot more impressed.

I'd bet there's so much post processing going on there rotating the camera so much as 5 degrees would totally break the image.

Stop taking about Arkham! You want a Batman movie tie-in, this is it here.

boot camp?

"[T]he Noah of Aronofsky's interpretation is kind of like somebody's eco-fascist hippie father, who takes his family away to a remote farm and forces them to live off the land in the name of environmental purity. "

There were Venture Capital guys getting in there, but in the long run they are a liability because their main goal is typically to see a quick profit, not long term success.

ah when they said Kim Soo Hyun, I thought they meant this man who was the lead in "my love from the stars" and "dream high." I watch a lot of korean media and I've honestly never heard of this actress. I hope she'll play her role well.

No. No it did not. Welcome to 1981.

"The bet was made when Lucas was visiting Spielberg on the set of Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1977, before Star Wars: A New Hope came out."

Now playing

Man... never sell the farm. If a company is willing to pay 2 billion for you, that let's you know your product is worth much much more.

What, somebody making a business decision to make more money is not capitalism?

It's still a video game product though.

Yee, a Democrat, is the senator who attempted to criminalize the sale of violent video games to children.

He is a democrat. It literally says it in the article.

What is this, Deadspin? We going for best pun comments now? Screw it, I laughed. +1 for you.

Oh Yee of little integrity.