
100% convinced that everything about this is completely staged.

Katawa Shoujo.

You could feel it coming for hours as you settled into the easy quiet life of a farmer, just this sense of impending doom seeping in around you. And when it happens, it's almost a relief because you think shakily, "how bad could it be?"

Then you push open those barn doors, and it's just so much worse.

"Step in front of a runaway train / just to feel alive again / Pushing forward through the night / aching chest and blurry sight."

And yet it seems the gamers have already chosen what they want:

Gone Home, probably my favorite game this year.

My friend, this is not The Matrix and you are most definitely not Lawrence Fishburne. Stop trying to be Lawrence Fishburne. It never ends well. Unless you actually are Lawrence Fishburne, in which case thanks for commenting and I think you're great in Hannibal.

This is strictly a family affair. The only thing Microsoft gets away with in this house is Windows 7.

Very much that— that sense of superiority and being privy to exclusive information strengthens their belief that they are in control. Anyone who goes out of their way to call people sheeple are probably the bigger of the sheep, as their incessant need to always feel like they are in control makes them slaves and

Her insistence that everything should be questioned really overlooks the small detail that we have to question the questioners, too.

Gotta love imbeciles like Sandy Hook deniers. They refuse to accept something and fail to provide a single proof that their conspiracy is true while refusing to see the vast amounts of evidence.

This is bizarre. I just got in a huge fight with my girlfriend over people that deny Sandyhook happened. Did anyone even know that's a thing?

The system will also display each reviewer's playtime in parentheses next to their review.

Yes, because a one letter typo makes me completely uneducated. You've made things clear, I'll start rethinking my life. It cuts so deep.

Yeah because video games and realism sure go hand-in-hand.

I hate hardly anything.

I'm not sure what world you think you're living in, but male sexual entitlement and sexual harassment of women is hardly a 'first-world problem.' It's pretty much an 'all over the world, all the time' problem, and it's definitely worthwhile to call out these onerous behaviors for ridicule.