
i still like how “all the people die” was basically relegated to the credit sequences of the first film and the final minutes of the third one.

i also like offset sticks, but the dualsense has nailed it. you should give it a try if you haven’t yet. i’ve been playing games for three decades and it by far the easiest long-play controller i’ve owned.

these are more or less my thoughts as well. but can we get another huzzah for that HEALTH track in Max Payne 3? just a stunning song. it feels like a reward for making it through that endless start-and-stop gameplay churn and unskippable cut scenes.

with early scenes shot like a silent film in 8mm, natch 

yeah i don’t think the folks on twitter realize how unpopular twitter actually is... 

Learn to read.

i hear you, but the thing is, if it hadn’t been openly called “part one”, it would’ve felt little different from, say, the ending of Rogue Nation, in which the antagonist was captured but didn’t die, only to return in the sequel. that’s essentially what’s happening here, too. it’s only that the ‘pt 1' kind of

it isn’t good for nintendo. it only benefits this subculture. most people play smash bros. for a few weeks and forget about it.

I literally said that “there’s absolutely nothing wrong with making up your own rules”—do you even read before you get triggered?

you sound genuinely unwell. 

if players have to disable half the game to make it competitive + they somehow feel entitled to complain about that— as if nintendo are the ones making the mistake—then i’m sorry to say the players are the ones who are mistaken in their complaints. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with making up your own rules, but

I can only hope.

you’re overthinking it. it was delayed so they could promote it properly, with the hope that all the strikes would be over. presumably they also delayed it in light of the recent unexpected box office failures of other ‘sure bets’. the fact is that the theatrical landscape has become very unpredictable due to

just cancel it altogether

most ancient writing isn’t literature, it’s bills and receipts. 75% of all people have always been morons. 

naw i’m done. kingsman 2 was terrible. king’s man was even worse.

jeezum crow!

mortal kombat games need more piss and shit. blood is so tame now.

the box office estimates i’m seeing gen z’ers hypothesizing are absolutely insane. they have no idea that no one above the age of 25 gives a flying fuck. 

it’s good that sony is successful enough that it can focus on offering peripherals that increase the number of options for fun, even if they’re not necessarily profitable. and what kind of boring as shit attitude is that, that puts money ahead of the gaming experience? fuckin grandpa ass wall street journal opinion.