
yo, this isn’t In The Realm of the Senses.

what i love about jack white is that none of his projects have ever really screamed “money grab”—there’s almost always an obvious personal or artistic vision. i do not care one iota if they’re commercially successful, beyond providing white with the money and motivation to continue doing whatever he wants.

as of late, you say?

yeah you’ve assumed correctly. bethesda only know how to make one kind of game. 

jett the far shore is a fascinating game in this genre, although it’s not without its mechanical issues. it is nevertheless quite a cool game to chill out to and often looks like nothing else out there.

tout suite


it’s exactly the shocking contrast that makes him less sympathetic, because the show isn’t as action-oriented—unlike the videogame, joel isn’t some boilerplate schwarzenegger-style protagonist. if he were, the body count would be easy to excuse, as it would feel more or less traditional within the genre. but because

reader, I implore you to consider that just because something is different, that doesn’t mean it is inherently good or above critique.”

i’ve always been on joel’s side here—the guy clearly has ptsd. anyone with a stress disorder, put in that kind of situation, faced with the possible death of the only person they hold dear in the world? they are going to have a psychotic break. marlene shouldn’t have been such a bitch to him. 

i think something that’s often overlooked is that the ps5 is so completely dominant that the costs of developing the game for another platform, which is hamstrung by the “lil tyke” series s, is increasingly neither sensible nor appealing.

in the world of television, producing is closer to directing, as it falls on producers to hold together the house style from episode to episode, which may be worked on by a variety of directors, dps and editors.

aye caramba 

the truth is that all groups of people are capable of being really shitty to eachother.

important to keep in mind that “reality” is just collective perception, fully informed by the strengths and weaknesses, and psychological conditioning of our brains. case in point: the world may have been largely the same as today one million years ago, but humans interacted with it differently because our “reality,”

ah well.

i think the entire genre of these “factory made open world titles” needs to take a few years off. the playerbase is exhausted. i’ve recently been playing the demon’s souls remake and am thinking, “uhh, this is actually more entertaining, second for second, than elden ring”, and i love elden ring. but after 200 hours i

ER is also a multiplayer for many people (not me, but certainly a majority of those still playing it now are playing it co-op or pvp). 

she’s a real jerk, even in the first game. and it’s weird that the games never address it. it’s everyone else that’s the problem! no, aloy, you a bithh.

each virtual reality system is destined for a short life span. besides the fact that it sits on one’s filthy face, the technology is continuously improving. the shift from psvr to vr2 is a genuine leap, and sometimes these leaps have to abandon what didn’t work as much as what did work in order to access innovations.