
if you focus on playing the game and not collecting the art it’s much less stressful on the wallet. it’s only a gatcha game if they ‘got ya’.

i get that you have to refer to the female characters as “young girls” for the sake of your argument’s creepy subtext—but these characters are clearly not children. i feel like you’re deliberately infantilizing adult female characters—which is of course it’s own problematic media trope.

there are many great combat games that involve killing/dying in a single hit. it’s not that the developers don’t know how to make this style challenging–it’s that they prefer padding out their games with combat that merely looks challenging but is actually just filler. 

starvation deaths on frontier lands, due to engineered and accidental famines aren’t necessarily violent.

you’re off by about a decade regarding ‘don’t mansplain’

russia is actually much more violent now than in the days of the soviet  union...

“But things got ugly when the studio equated antiwar comments with spam and tweeted: “We do not, and will not, condone contributors or spammers with offensive, hateful, discriminatory, violent, or threatening language or content.”

the artists have even paid out of their own pockets to pimp out the productions beyond the scope of what the NFL is expecting. i’m not sure what rihanna’s budget was but i’m guessing she splurged a bit, in exchange for making a truckload on increased streaming and digital downloads in the days and weeks to come.

i buy games because i think i’ll have fun with them—period. spending money on games for political reasons is a luxury for those with a disposable income. and i say that for people buying any game for anypolitical” reason. towards what end is spending money on games i will never play? how does that actually benefit

no, the sponsors pay for the production and expenses. the artist typically makes an enormous amount of money through streaming and digital purchases due to the exposure. 

it is absolutely crazy wild that you start a paragraph criticizing impossibly smooth, barbie doll vaginas only to end it by criticizing modders from adding them in—and that presumably it was done by men... even though, you, a woman, also pointed it out? 

while i feel a lot of sympathy for these employees, especially if this is their first job, they really do need to just get a reality check and find better jobs. gamestop will never improve, it will implode. 

i suspect this is a very crucial aspect of sony’s argument. COD puts out a game every year (usually)—activision provides stability, saleswise, to both consoles, allowing them take their cut and more safely invest in their very expensive game development—essentially risk free.

so what you’re saying is that they finally did the right thing, after many years, by finally and definitively pulling the plug on the snyder-verse.

good to know. i honestly love the dualsense and was curious how it could actually be improved upon. it’s probably my favourite controller thus far.

surely nothing is getting greenlit now without his say-so.

i dunno, watching Joel have a psychotic break and murder innocent doctors at the end of Pt 1 seemed of a piece with Pt 2. a lot of gamers chose to interpret the context of that scenario, and Joel’s actions in a heroic light. but in truth these games have always been closer to a Cormac McCarthy novel—which Pt 2 simply

in 18 years no one will care about song of the south. no one already cares *now*.

i think it’s fair to note that they haven’t ever had a sale, considering that the developer has described it as a deliberate choice—matched with the fact that it’s a very popular title on steam, a platform that regularly offers heavy discounts. 

not everyone is bad though, and i’m not sure i would leave it to the public to decide what is what, given their very limited point of view.