
you, sir, don’t believe in no ghosts.

are you joking? the only reason these actors are doing these films is the money. you think they gain any sort of creative satisfaction from working on marvel films? they don’t exactly flex their professional chops or win them academy awards. it’s all about the money. 

it’s unfortunate that it’s so difficult to publicly dislike this film for valid reasons.

i saw the ghostbusters reboot in theatres, thinking i should support it after all the shit it got from MRA types on social media. unfortunately i thought it was almost unwatchably bad. 

Maudib! Maudib! Maudib!

perhaps you underestimate an individual’s familiarity with their own devices. 

don’t you kinda hate everything though? 

and now he’s dead, and you’re full of petty spite. clearly the man was quite emotionally tortured. he founded the website—even your absolutism can’t deny him credit for doing so.

remaster and remake need to be understood separately, though. because a remake means that something has been rebuilt from the ground up, with entirely original parts, that resembles, on the surface level, the original thing it’s remaking. see: demon’s souls, the perfect remake. but remakes can also—and maybe should—go

i’m glad they’re going off-book. the books are a classic case of great concept but poor execution. besides a few fundamentals, i never got the impression that sapkowski ever had a fully thought out game plan for his novels, and was often struggling to tell worthwhile stories within his aaa-grade fantasy universe.

eh, i’m not a fan and i’m here. 

Yeah... I know what he said. I’m deliberately ignoring. Based on what he’s said he is revealing 0% of his actual plan. But what I do know is that he is very selective about the stories he tells. To me, and to many readers of the novels, we know that dune messiah is insubstantial and beneath being given its own 2 1/2

Well, it’s funny to discuss this with someone who hasn’t read the books. Dune Messiah is a bit like The Empire Strikes Back. There are a lot of personal losses for Paul by the end of the story, but it also seeds of plot and narrative development that are only resolved in children of dune. Ending “Dune:part 2” on the

hahaha, i’m not sure the dune encyclopedia is to be believed. it had lost canon-status before frank herbert died, as i understood it, the encyclopedia was mostly the work of another writer, who was given free rein to embellish. 

that really doesn’t make any sense if you’ve read dune messiah though. dune messiah is a nothing of a story, and a complete downer. it should be adapted into the ending of part 2. then send off the trilogy, more appropriately, with children of dune. and then if people are really nuts for this shit, do god emperor. but

i didn’t get the impression dune had been eviscerated. the primary beats are, for the most part, there. it’s just that a lot is left unsaid, or inferred. mostly, i suspect, because villeneuve believes in visual rather than verbal exposition.

i’m hoping they’ll release an extended cut of part 1 while we wait for part 2.

well, that’s the last of the the frank herbert novels, so i think it’s perfectly fine to end there. brian herbert and kevin j. anderson’s output are complete atrocities. at least frank herbert’s “bad” is still intellectually stimulating.

And it was a steep drop off. Herbert clearly wrote his great novel with Dune and then felt obligated, rather than inspired, to continue. Messiah reads like a frustrated draft sent to the publisher. Children of Dune is over plotted to within an inch of its life. Only God Emperor restores a bit of the first novels

Dune messiah doesn’t have enough plot to sustain a good film. It should just be adapted into the final hour of the next film. Then do children of dune for the third film.