
i think the snake can fly for the same reason the necromancer can fly—because the necromancer’s technology is derived from the creatures on the planet. the mithraic people are obviously from this planet to begin with—hence the visions of cultists on the planet in pre-history, and the religious symbolism on the tarot

i think we’re doing it a disservice by suggesting it’s not hard science fiction. i think there’s more to the story that’s yet to be divulged. but we’re stuck with characters who have a very, very limited point of view.

i think the story has a bit more thought put into it. i think there’s a whole secret history regarding the Mithraic religion’s involvement on this planet, and especially how they clearly designed the androids using research into the snake/dragon creatures that once dominated the planet. this would explain how the

i love that patchouli-scented celtic-ish opening music. it’s the only credit sequence i don’t skip. 

i believe the point of the “temple in the desert” is that who is kills is completely random. it’s a random broken machine that these idiots interpret on religious grounds.

Salim is also the voice actor of Bayek, the lead character in Assassins Creed Origins, and it is one of the best vocal performances I’ve encountered in a game. Unfortunately the game’s story is rather below average, but its worth checking out for its beautiful world building (Ancient Egypt!) and his character. 

i bought a switch after a year. that’s the earliest i’ve ever bought a console. i may get a ps5 earlier, as long as the back-compatibility is solid. but i waited a solid seven years to buy a ps4 pro.

My heart bleeds for Japan!

because he’s a goddamn perfectionist. a perfectionist could give themselves a heart attack over painting a fingernail. it doesn’t matter how superficially simple or complicated something appears to be. to a perfectionist, their job is their religion. 

he doesn’t work at HAL Labs because, like a lot of completely irreplaceable, aaa-grade talent, he actually makes more money on better terms negotiating contracts for himself. no one wants a smash bros. game without his involvement.

the books are terrible though, let’s be honest. the whole point of the witcher 3 was to give the story a fitting ending that was denied by the novels.

it was bad then and bad now.

sam worthington has matured into a better actor than he used to be.

Dye grass? Digress?

I think it’s equally likely that the new CEO had simply gotten over his kink for the game.

the dragon fx is extremely tactile and would probably have remained the standard if not for the higher cultural saturation of harry potter and the goblet of fire and game of thrones

i rewatched reign of fire in the last year. while dragon fx still look pretty amazing, i think the fundamental thing that ages it are the attitudes of the characters—everyone has that cynical, insincere attitude so prevalent of movies at the time, which just comes off as posing today. with the exception of bale, the

Why get an Xbox if you have a PC that can play their exclusives?

depends on the country

the ps4 and ps4 pro are still selling solidly at my local wal-mart as of this week. they’re constantly selling out and restocking. the xbox rack, on the other hand, has been empty for seven months. let’s just confront the obvious here; the xbox has gone almost a solid decade without any good exclusive games. the vast