
you’d be remiss to not note Satantango and The Turn Horse by Bela Tarr. Truly stunning masterclasses in black and white cinematography.

they should definitely reboot. the series has gone on about fifteen years too long.

this would be the perfect point to end the series.

i’m burned out on comics—it was superhero comics, batman in particular, that killed the passion, but without that hook, my passion for comics, comic stores, and all related media, faded in general. i had probably every issue of batman from the early 90's to 2009—in the end, it was grant morrison’s slapdash batman

anchorman 2 is what killed anchorman for me. i similarly loved the first film but was ice cold on the sequel.

the first and second iron man films were paramount productions

as someone who basically dropped out COD after modern warfare 2's multiplayer amped things up too much—attracting a personality type i loath—this does sound interesting to me.

mcmillen seems to be no angel, himself. just look at all his burned bridges.

this honestly sounds incredible. 

the story of the overweight guy feeling bullied into walking until his chafing legs bled is horrifying.

seems like rey being a clone, or a series of clones, part of an old palpatine project to create a replacement for darth vader—a la force unleashed—is becoming likelier by the minute, given that the emperor is somehow involved in this film—even if it is, as i suspect, as a hologram. it would explain the amped up force

precisely. i’ve always reminded myself that there’s little distinction between pretending to be stupid and actually being stupid. 

great comment. personally my favorite godzilla films are the non-hammy ones: the original godzilla, godzilla 1984, godzilla 14, and especially shin godzilla, which i hold to be a goddamned fucking masterpiece of filmmaking, full of wit, heart, horror, and cultural and historical resonance.

becuase it’s more granular and precise in its criticism rather than ideological and vague?

the core gameplay is indeed repetitive and thats what the game is all about”

i suspected this would be the case. after completing the beta, i was emailed a questionnaire about how to improve the game. i declined to fill it out. there was just too much that was essentially wrong with it, and i could tell that whomever was in charge of story was so wrong-headedly deluded about the direction they

probably only only for the social credibility.

seems like something of a stepback for her career. seemed so promising...

you need a few ounces of plutonium? what’s your address? 

looks cheap, and like they filmed on the same locations and sets as a dozen other similar campus slasher films.