
i hate that nerds are, have always been, and remain, fetishists of consumerism, like bums roving from place to place with carts full of plastic junk, smiling and singing to themselves. 

i also have a pretty big external battery, but it’s mostly used for airplane flights and longer trips.

to be honest, i’ve never really had a serious problem with the switch’s battery life. unlike, say, a mobile phone, the switch has limited utility, and at best i’m playing it mobile for two hours a day, give or take (during public transit). all other play time is docked.

missed an opportunity to include the dog from Tarkvovky’s Stalker. a truly iconic dog.

Maybe they can get Ulver to take over. 

right... coming together at the last minute like the master chief collection. and halo 5.

it’s not like microsoft has much choice, though, right? they have no other exlcusive franchise capable of launching consoles with.

i realize this is satire but please save your brain cells!

don’t take this the wrong way, but this sounds like a case of social media induced paranoia. it’s a risk we all take by being so exposed to this constant torrent of news. we want it all to mean something. but alas, for the most part, there are no connections to draw, and most of what is reported on is blown totally

*chasing amy fisting gif*

tim horton’s waffle breakfast sandwich was pleasantly surprising. i’m actually sad it was a limited time deal. i’d eat those all the time.

my first audible lol in many years. 

maybe it’s my inner villain, but this game seems ripe for some ‘planetary genocide’ missions. like ‘clean out the local fauna in advance of colonizers’. just some really problematic stuff. not that i’d play it, but lets be frank the whole game is about resource exploitation, already. they should just go all the way

i dunno. mononoke, porco rosso, and the wind rises sort of dispel the idea that all his films are alike.

honest question - why would someone subscribe to this? just seems so wasteful to me.

considering how delayed this investigation is, do you really expect they’ll find anything at all? epstein has had years to destroy evidence.

maybe just bulldozed?

they should’ve done all of this a decade ago. everything the fbi does now is merely performative, to assuage the public rage.

i hate to open this can of worms, but maybe we should discern between child molesters and pedophiles. child molesters/child rapists are those who act criminally on their impulses. pedophiles *have* a sexual attraction to children but many don’t act on it.

halsey is a good public figure but a bad artist.