Just got an update that indicates NO movie can be seen more than once using the service.
Just got an update that indicates NO movie can be seen more than once using the service.
Managed to get a quick snap of this at the end of the movie before it went to the next screen.
Having Patton Oswalt on the Helicarrier in AoU would have satisfied me. Showing members of SHIELD and/or the Defenders in a montage of chaos and combat descending upon the Earth would suffice in Infinity War. I think the logistics are being played up to be harder to figure out than it is.
“Hey Luke Cage guys, where is…
I enjoyed it a lot. Much better than City of Angels.
I can’t believe it wasn’t until reading this article that I saw how ridiculously punny the name “Draven” is.
I’ve had 0 problems with the app, or any other part of the service.
I also wish you didn’t have to physically be at the location to buy a ticket, but this whole system is so easily abused I understand (and can forgive) that restriction.
If you haven’t seen it, you should check out Vader in the season 2 finale of Star Wars Rebels...
what I liked most about Rogue One was that it kind of...zoomed in on the scope of the series’ main conflict and showed you why the fight mattered to the random people in the galaxy
OF COURSE Abrams planned something so utterly unimaginative and predictable. That was what Ep 7 was entirely based on, afterall. Johnson is the best thing to happen to Star Wars since Filoni, and Rey being “nobody” is the best thing to happen, story wise, to the franchise in a long time.
Right? Like how crappy would the middle movie of a trilogy have to be to upend fan’s expectations about Luke’s heroic father Anakin and go a bold new direction of him actually having turned to the Dark Side and be Darth Vader, and that Obi Wan wasn’t this wise old sage but an insecure, deceptive old man. and to end…
Congratulations on a completely useless, trollish comment on people actually discussing their fandom. Does being an asshole make you feel better about yourself or brighten your day?
Yeah, the Glenn/Dumpster thing was when, in my opinion, the show jumped the shark. Not that it was ever A+ storytelling, but it was clear at this point they had ran out of enough ideas that they were resorting to cheap gimmicks, shock, and “let’s end on a cliff hanger to keep people tuning in”.
I finally tapped out at the end of last season. I’ve read the last few episode recaps and it seems I made the right decision. I might peek back in after the next showrunner takes over next season, but even aside from the show just not being very good anymore... it was actually sorta making me miserable watching it and…
The deal isn’t finalized; its expected to take a full year for everything to actually go through as the government could still block it and rumor has it that Comcast is thinking about swooping in with an offer that dwarf’s Disney’s. Until the ink dries on the final deal, everything X-Men / Mutant related (at least…
Jane’s answer is similar. Fighting because of hate is easy. Fighting for love? That takes the strength of a woman like Jane Foster.
I’d say that when we hit the point where numerous McDonalds outlets started reporting fans practically mobbing the location because they didn’t have enough of the meme sauce mentioned on the show, things passed from a few isolated weirdos to something the fanbase as a whole has to own.
A movie where a force sensitive, desert dwelling orphan stumbles across a droid harboring secrets vital to the organization that is resisting the evil, galactic spanning tyrannical government and escapes said desert dwelling planet via the Millennium Falcon and pals around with Han and Chewie, only to try to find safe…
TFA: It was too much like the OT! Abrams just recycled old plot elements and didn’t do anything original! #NotMyStarWars
TLJ: It wasn’t nearly enough like the OT! Johnson took all the great ideas Abrams had and just threw them away and it wasn’t even like Star Wars! #NotMyStarWars
That about sums up the most vocal parts…
Because it was a fantastic movie that did more to advance the saga beyond the narrow limits it has existed since the sequel to the original? Because it has given the big-screen franchise a new breath of life that was sorely needed? Because if the future of the franchise is a combination of Johnson and Filoni then it…
While that ancient African proverb now seems like a bit of reverse racism