
Innocent because “they didn’t do it.”

One instance the female in question years later admitted that all of the allegations were made up.

In another, an automatic iCloud restoration of text messages revealed the female’s plans to do every dirty thing in the playbook to ruin her ex’s life, make sure he never gets to see

So... we’re just throwing that whole “innocent until proven guilty” thing right out of the window whenever the claim or charge is abuse of some form, huh?

I have a couple of innocent male family members we can start with whose vindictive exes made similar claims and since a claim is now apparently all we need to

Mockingbird, too, if we’re going that route. I’d love to see Agent May in the mix, too, but there is a stronger precedent for Mockingbird.

Serious question, how were they supposed to treat Trini’s sexuality in Power Rangers? Throw her a parade? Have her running around waving a rainbow flag?

That’s the thing I don’t get... when a non-hetero character’s sexuality is addressed, but addressed in a very normal, happenstance manner, that isn’t good enough?

Its because everyone wants the “quick fix” or wants to know “the secret” when “the secret” is that there is no secret... everyone already knows how to lose weight, or lose belly fat, or slim your thighs... its called “diet and exercise” but when presented with something that might be hard and actually take willpower

Simpsons beat ‘em to it....

Mmmmm Smash indeed ;)

So is Kim going to vacate the role, too, after he learns that the character is of Japanese heritage? Or are we falling into an equally harmful practice as white washing by accepting the notion of the vague “oriental”?

Did the show tell us at some point that the Unsullied managed to get out of Casterly Rock despite being surrounded by Lannister forces—and how—or is Grey Worm and his men’s appearance at King’s Landing a plot hole? Asking for a friend whose name is Bob Ricken.

For the same reasons everyone framed Avatar as a mashup of Fern Gully and Dances with Wolves? Because in both instances these things were pretty unoriginal.

Why does framing it this way get you defensive and seemingly cause you take it as an attack on the quality of the show? Something doesn’t have to be original to

For the wrestling references:

It might be worth noting in the article that this app isn’t publicly available. After being unable to find it, I had to search and find another article detailing the app to find that bit of information.

I wondered how long it was going to be before people on this site jumped on “they aren’t dark enough”. The hypocrisy of the SJW racist, marginalizing of light skinned or mixed race minorities will never cease to astound me. Way to make a segment of our population that has trouble fitting in any camp feel even more

More :)

This isn’t a critique of WOC getting jobs, that’s a good thing.

Its a picture link... click on it, it brings up the original twitter post, then click it again to view the entire picture.

Looked cool to me, and looking like it will provide a very different window into a very different aspect of the MCU.

Lots of AoS’s special effects look cheesy as hell (Ghost Rider notwithstanding), and that show is amazing because it doesn’t have to have slick SFX for superpowers, they tell good stories.

This is setting