
Thought the same thing :p

I was amazed one day when my dog, who is about 4 or 5, started yawning everytime I did. I -never- saw this in a dog before, but for about an hour, she yawned everyime I did. I've only gotten this to work maybe about one or two times since, and only for about 1 or 2 yawns, but it was something very entertaining for

Maybe he was using Apple Maps...

What's that top image from? It looks familiar...

I'm a bit late to the discussion, wasn't able to watch it until last night, but if no one answer, the book name Bill quoted was "Vicissitude". It seems a lot of True Blood's vampire hierarchy was inspired/borrowed from White Wolf's Vampire: the Masquerade roleplaying game (LARP and Table Top), particularly with

I really wish I could sift through the discussion like in the old days :(

What about Child's Play? I definitely expected to see that on here :p Maybe it's a bit too obvious for what the article was aiming for, though...

@GOU_NoMoreMrNiceGuy: The Gettysburg Address was also given TWO YEARS after the Civil War began. The South was a pretty significant economic contributor to the Union, and the threat over secession was problematic for the North for both economic and nationalist reasons. Sure, slavery was part of the issue that

1) Tara tends to suck any life and any fun out of the show the moment she's on screen. Throughout MUCH of the show, she's just be an insufferable point of absolute misery, and one that's all too eager to throw out the race card as well. The first time you see her, she's being rude and extremely disrespectful to a


Yeah, at the end of the Dark Knight, in order to cover for Harvey going nuts and Gotham seeing their "white knight" fall from grace (afterall, the Joker's stance was that everyone was corruptable, even the noblest of souls such as Harvey Dent), and the resulting decay of the case against the mobsters and the hope

Exactly what I was thinking. Was about to be pic hunting if someone hadn't beaten me to it :p

I'm waiting for the gif of Vampire Bill enduring Vampire Torture making Vampire Agony faces... Those were full of Vampire Cheese!

In the advertisements for the season, it shows them bowing to a vial of blood. I bet that is what is behind the door, an alleged vial of Lilith's blood.

I, for one, would welcome our new alien overlords.

Aaaahhhhhh..,.. been waiting for this, thanks! :D

YES! +5 internets :p

Haha, I thought the same thing, this is kind of old news :p

What about Guy Pearce?

If I recall correctly, Edgar Wright signaled his intention a while back for this to be the Scott Lang Ant-Man, not Hank Pym...