Aqua Velveeta
Aqua Velveeta
You beat me to it! Bravo.
This is the most bizarro fucking “logic.” Like, how is it the Dems fault that Trump manufactured a problem, is holding everyone hostage over this problem, people are suffering because he won’t just fix the problem, and now we’re being made to feel guilty because . . . HE won’t stop?
Listen. It’s like sitting in a…
Would an armed uprising be in bad taste?
Agreed, that story is stuck in my head right now. That dude is an absolute monster in so many ways, he needs the hammer to come down on him hard.
My hair is standing on end! Yikes, I mean, how vile that he was set free to do this TWICE.
Hmm. Maybe if we build the wall out of coal?!? Hey, how about that beautiful clean coal? With clean coal, we could see through it to make sure no ones throwing 50 lb bales of weed over my beautiful daughter... uh I mean wall. - Chump (probably)
“Trump also says he’s going to visit the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday. But as a teaser, enjoy his primetime speech about the wall tomorrow at 9 p.m. EST”
Everything is horrible and I would rather comment on my hatred of 45 but holy shit — this Ed Buck story on The Advocate! All signs point to scumbag. And, if scumbag he proves to be, I hope justice is swift and merciless.
You’re just not reading it right. Of course, if you look at all the words, it sounds batshit crazy. But if you start and stop in the right place, it’s perfectly accurate:
Exactly. These guys have a lot of accumulated knowledge about government - they should be sharing and mentoring the new group coming into the house.
Exactly. He and Biden can be advisors, absolutely. But that’s as far as it should go.
I would much rather have Bernie use his political capital and goodwill to take on apprentices for the next generation of politicians—especially those starting small and not already in the federal government—than run for President again.
Joe, Bernie...for the love of Grodd, stay out of the 2020 race. Both of you have zero chance of defeating Donald, and you’ll just embolden new waves of Bernie Bros and Joe-Joe Binkses. You had your time; now step aside and let a new wave of candidates show us what they have to offer.
I understand that acne can be really devastating for some - my BFF had to take Accutane, and even as a 40-something adult, still has the scars.
Nothing wrong with divorcing an abusive spouse. Bring on the breakdown.
Since the start of Trump’s turn, with a Congress completely under his control, the national debt increased $2 trillion. But somehow, the burden of budgets and debt is always placed on the left. It’s time we let that shit die.
You realize the climate threat is on par with what Lincoln and FDR did? Like there aren’t equal because they’re all different, but in terms of scope and necessity, the New Green Deal is vitally important.