I, for one, welcome our Mecha-Gaga overlords.
I, for one, welcome our Mecha-Gaga overlords.
It’s hard to tell where his tattoos end and the puppy begins...
If you’re willing to believe they’re killing themselves just to come here for the free money we’re not handing out or to steal our elections, you’ll probably believe just about anything.
Yep. I remember people telling me to chill out, Trump’s not REALLY going to do all those terrible things. Now that he has been worse than my nightmares could’ve predicted, he has a track record and denial is not an excuse.
Yes. A vote in 2016 could be a mistake. Another vote in 2020 is being complicit.
The right wing talking point on this seems to be either the father should’ve never taken this journey with her (I’m even starting to hear that all those shithole countries are basically paradise and anyone asking for asylum is lying because...reasons), or that he purposefully denied her food and water. I don’t know if…
Fucking typical. Man steals important moment, makes it about him or inserts himself (like the guy who proposes when his girlfriend just completed a marathon or won an Olympic medal). And now she’s forced to take the high road and be the better person, when she did nothing wrong.
I essentially can’t play first person games, and it’s gotten worse over time. At one point I managed to complete about half of Portal, now I can’t get out of the first room before I have to quit. I used to be able to play 3rd person over-the-shoulder games, like Grand Theft Auto III, completing all the story missions…
I get super bad motion sickness for any first person games, and even some third person games with tight over-the-shoulder angles (looking at you, Arkham games). I eat Ginger candies to take away the nausea once I get it, but it hasn’t helped me much preventing it.
I bet he ghosted her.
I feel mortified, just viscerally mortified, on behalf of my country, women, and myself that a list that once included worthy, hard-working, inspiring geniuses like Hillary fucking Rodham Clinton and Michelle Obama is now dominated by a corrupt fascist nepotism Barbie who once sprang from Donald Trumps shitty semen.
in 30+ plus years i’ve never sung or even hummed one of her songs. she’s a hard worker and has lots of chutzpah, and for that i can respect her. however she has zero talent as a singer, and for that she can retire now, please.
It’s good. Bring tissues.
I will happily take you up on that bet. With interest. Hate on Lady Gaga are you want, but it doesn’t erase the fact that she has made a massive, lasting, and un-erasable mark on pop music.
What I haven’t done is go on IG to take potshots at a younger and arguably more talented singer. If Madonna is so amazing, why isn’t she happy? She’s seems so bitter and miserable. Why is she worried about what another performer is doing and saying? You would think that someone so accomplished would be happy with her…
Came here to say the same thing. There was ZERO chance we weren’t going to be hearing from Madonna after the success of A Star is Born and the very real possibility that Gaga will be nominated for Best Original Song and Best Actress at the Oscars. It has to sting after her numerous failed attempts at a film career.
Madonna is a such a petty, insecure asshole. She feeds off of negativity and conflict. I’m sure it just kills her that Lady Gaga is getting so much praise for this role and will probably be nominated for an Oscar. Something Madonna could never accomplish.
I had poor grades in school despite being smart. Why? Because aside from subjects in which I did legitimately struggle, I just was generally not into school. Some kids are like that, yet a lot of teachers/counselors don’t get that.
My middle school guidance counselor said I’d never finish high school because I didn't have great grades. Not only did I finish high school AND college, but I have a graduate degree with work experience in all three branches of the federal government. I went ballistic when she and another teacher who bullied me tried…