
How I wish Ben Affleck had been given the chance to play an actual Batman, and not the Punisher/Luthor hybrid he was written as. Because he had a great presence and could work that Batsuit. Ah, but for what could have been...

At this point in our culture we can skip any origin stories of Batman, Superman or Spider-Man from now until the end of time.

God, do we know anything for sure about this film? Is it even about Batman!?

I was also happy to see Ser Poddrick.  

Brienne as lord commander was definitely one of the best parts of the episode along with the small council meeting.

I think that it was intoned that Grey Worm is the consummate soldier. He was waiting for a king/queen to tell him what to do.

I think it was a fairly satisfying finale. Did all the characters receive the outcomes they deserved? Absolutely not. But I guess I’ve been through enough of these not to expect that. This is, after all, a tv show.

Infinity war was 2 hours and 30 minutes and when it ended, I was like, that movie is so short.

3 hours is fine. I’m a Lord of the Rings veteran. I watched the Extended editions too.

I thought the WWI setting mostly worked, because of its well-earned reputation as a horrifyingly pointless and devastating war. It makes it the perfect counterpoint for Wonder Woman’s absurd good humor and love and all that sweet stuff.

Some of y’all just need to calm the fuck down about spoilers. What did you think he was just gonna be stuck in the quantum realm the whole fucking time? It’s not a spoiler to show that something that obviously was going to happen happened. Same with the Tony thing. Oh yeah they’re going to build up this whole heroic

It seems like there’s a cultural binary we have where a woman is either truthful or crazy. Once a woman has been branded as “crazy” it’s fair to discount everything she has to say, classic silencing technique. But that’s a false binary if ever there was one.

When I was in college - back in the long long ago - I scheduled my classes so that I wouldn’t miss All My Children. What I remember from then is how we thought Michael was trying to look like LaToya, not the other way around.  

If she refuted the claims only after her brother’s death, maybe she saw it as an opportunity to enter her niece’s and nephews’ lives and be a safe space. Where was she in the custody battle? Because that got ugly, too, if I vaguely recall.

I imagine there was no cash incentive - just being that iced out by your family - no matter how toxic had to hurt.

I remember some journalist who interview her back then. He thought she was full of shit like everyone else before he met her. But when he talked to her she seemed to be in so much pain and find it so hard to talk about so he didn’t know what to believe.

That’s definitely a picture of me.

That’s definitely a picture of me.

It makes me so angry that workplaces are full of slightly younger people propping up the tech averse [and being generationally robbed of things like tenure and retirement plans by these same people] while at the same time having to heed workplace policies that bludgeon how unfair and frowned upon ‘ageism’ toward these

I can actually see Jeff Bezos believing that the Wall Street Journal is basically his receptionist.

Matt Ryan in a new Constantine show is the best news I have heard all week.