
Where are you getting your info? It's not from the Silmarillion, that's for sure.

I dunno. My favorite Rube Goldberg machines use mostly gravity and clever engineering to accomplish their convoluted machinations. This uses lots of motors and electricity. Feels like a pinball machine.

Uh, wrong. Beolab speakers are designed and engineered entirely in-house by B&O, and are among the most highly regarded speakers on the planet.

Dark matter.

Yeah, you know it and I know it. But people who don't know it think it IS a belief system. They think we're nuts. And I'm not going to change their minds because I think they're nuts.

Holy crap. I was 8 years old when my evil stepmother bought this thing. I was relegated to the rear-facing 3rd-row seat, and never failed to get motion sickness by the car's ass end bouncing up and down over every minor road heave.

Depends on which books you read. Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales both give a larger account of their relationship and the line of Telcontar. IO9 missed it completely, and as LOTR predates any of the other listings, I think these two should have been Number One, or at least coeval with Beren and Luthien.

I know, you're right. But it seems to be getting worse.

Jesus Christ, Allah, and Zoroaster In A Physics Lab, STOP! This is pointless to the point of absurdity.

You win.

"hurdling?" As in running over hurdles?

Seconded. This is cheap tripe. And Franco is already boring the shit out of me.

At the end of the video, it sounded like Ian Holm reading the first line of the novel. Let's hope they keep that in the final cut...one of our finest actors reciting one of our finest books. Great way to launch the film.

Well, there goes breakfast.

It also makes one of the loudest, bone-shattering sounds of any attack plane, and the pilots take advantage of that fact when buzzing target troops. Gaddafi should issue his people a pack of Depends.

One reason it's called the Tank Killer...

No, no! THIS is Kronos.

No, no! THIS is Kronos...

A free gun. Jesus aitch Christ in a sidecar. Why not a gift certificate to the local bookstore? A free blue spruce from the local nursery? A free DVD of Branagh's "Henry V"? Free music lessons for the kids?

"Chen, you know this stuff is illegal."