
The original C111 was my all-time favorite Corgi car...

@Fractal the Meek: You guys beat me to it, but thanks. This puerile crap appears far too often in the work of "journalists." Whaddya say we LEARN the fucking language before we make a paycheck by employing it?

@Geisrud: Not an expert whatsoever, but wouldn't your first point be addressed by a force-feedback sensor, like the ones used in no-pinch power windows? If an obstruction were detected, the thing would simply stop and you could climb down normally.

@MifuneT: I don't think your questions are loaded at all, and you're no more ignorant than pretty much the rest of the world. Whose response to a situation like this has been, and will continue to be:

On the subject of snowflakes, here is probably my favorite Calvin and Hobbes strip...

@M0R94N: This was the one I used. The only person who teased me about it was my sister: instead of "The Flying Sub," she called it "The Sighing Flub."

Purely out of curiosity:

Is it not obvious?

@my name is jonas: Well put. Ask most self-made wealthy people, and they'll tell you: they didn't want to HAVE millions of dollars...they wanted to MAKE millions of dollars. The fun was in the doing. Ask most people who inherit their wealth, and it's precisely the opposite.

@mangonights: "I think the surest sign of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that it hasn't tried to contact us."

Steve McQueen was an intermittently talented actor and a genuine car enthusiast. He was also an inveterate drunk and a drug-sucking asshole who put innocent lives at risk, because lots of shitheads told him he was "cooler than you" and he believed them.

To all the B&O haters out there, the company has always made some authentically audiophile-quality equipment (read any review of their current BeoLab 5, or their automotive systems). Yeah, it's probably more expensive than it needs to be, but the company can deliver superb sounding gear.

Note to Mustang branding and marketing team:

Time for Soylent Green.

I had a Corgi model of the JPS Lotus...hands down, no bullshit, the sexiest, machoist F1 shape and color scheme ever.

@Occula: Agreed. I understand (and applaud) Jackson wanting to showcase his native country's lovely assets in LOTR. But does anyone stop to remember that John Tolkien (not Jackson) created the whole damn mythology? That he was a Brit? That he based much of his Middle Earth on what he saw in his beloved England (plus a

In the "Unforgivable Omissions" category: the '66 Toronado.