
@fluffywarthog1029: No. The Maiar (wizards) were selected by the Ainu (demigods) as their representatives in Middle Earth...they did not "select" their own colors. Only one wizard (Mithrandir - Gandalf) remained true to his apppointed task. The Blue Wizards (Alatar and Pallando) traveled east and abandoned their

@x1two: Indeed, despite the weight the guy carries around every day. That's one good definition of hero. I hope he knows how much affection a lot of good people have for him.

Might I add (and I swear I'm not making this up...came across it during an image search for "water splash") a personal photo documentary of how changes in diet affected one guy's stools.

I dunno. I've always more or less assumed that cars were meant to be driven...not to be used as media hubs for clueless, twittering, facebook-fucking, social networking asshats willing to jeopardize human lives to get that next 140-character synopsis of their pathetic, butt-sucking lives out to their followers. Here's

Thoroughly and completely cool idea. Looks like something Dale Chihuly would do.

@mikeybracken: Bunch of new ones here in Ann Arbor (the construction of which has lengthened my commute from 8 minutes to about 30...sigh) . I suspect they're popular here because of the international cultures U of M seems to attract.

Ummm...what the fuck? Did Walter di'Silva design all of these? They all look like Gallardo-wanna-be's.

@shinobiX200: Indeed. Perhaps the punishment should fit the crime, to wit: strip him naked, put him in a 6X6 cell, feed him nothing but corn, fleas and cockroaches, collect his feces, and mix it back into his diet again and again.

@crosis101: "I wouldn't know what kind of report to file, Center."

@ShirtBloke: Which in turn reminds me of that old chestnut: the guy going down on his date and exclaiming, "What a big pussy! What a big pussy!"

@FritzLaurel: My understanding is that the deal with Circuit City to carry DCM as a "house brand" pretty much destroyed the Windows. They were seen as too expensive for most CC customers, and DCM started compromising their designs to create a lower price-point. Steve Eberbach, the founder and designer of the Windows,

@FritzLaurel: As an almost-lifetime Ann Arborite, I concur. Owned a pair of TimeWindow 1As for 12 years. Got 'em from HiFi Buys on Main and Madison...about 3 miles from where they were screwed together on Airport Blvd. Sweet, warm, and richly dynamic. The IIIs were even better.

Is it me, or are those speakers a direct design ripoff of those in the Nissan Cube?

@zeeboid: I don't know...in some opiate-induced fever dream?

"Jesu Christo, make de ganglia twitch!"

I remember hand-washing my uncle's '76 Mustang Number Too. A bucket of soapy water and a hose.

Volvo goes to China.