
@satalac: Magic indeed. In 1983 I drove my English prof's '78 3.3 Turbo at speed on a local country road...alarming. I suspect he's still hosing down the pilot's chair with Febreze.

@Pope John Peeps II: Another insightful bit from Peeps. I can imagine Melissa reading the original post and being hurt by it, and Jason done did good by acknowledging the error in that post when he discovered it.

@Buzz Mega: Maybe if you use multi-touch, it will start screaming?

@MrWhite1015: Alternatively, you could shit on his keys.

@Michael111: Don't worry, I'm sure you're not alone. There are plenty of hearts bleeding for the poor, pious, beleaguered Vatican.

@ninjagin: Yeah, cool technology.

"...in a chartreuse microbus."

"The horror...

Read the post and saw:

Delicate flower?

@brundlefly: What you said, baby. "The Demon From DuPont."

@cnycompguy: Well, yes. But do you really think even transparent aluminum would hold 'er?

@FriedPeeps: Yeah, that's a whale shark...SWIMMING FOR ITS DEAR LIFE.

Too much time + too little taste = this.

@Slave2anMG: Hear, hear. When they turned left AND right. When they battled everything in a race: the track, the competition, the weather, and frequently their own car. When traction control was in the sinew of the ankles.

It's brilliant! It's just...well, it's just goddamn brilliant, is what it is.

D'ruther have one that really DOES fly, given my druthers...

Perhaps someone should do Christians, Christianity, and young boys around the world a favor.

Oh for fuck's sake. This insular, egomaniacal blunderbuss of a control-freak buries us under the sheer tonnage of manure that were Episodes I, II and III...and then pulls this testicle-clutching stunt? Are you really this insecure, Lucas? Are you sure your time and money wouldn't be better spent by learning about