A really delightful touch with the washes, Wendy...rare to see these days.
A really delightful touch with the washes, Wendy...rare to see these days.
@Jigsaw Complex: Nice trailer. Fun and funky premise, but I guarantee SciFy will still fuck it up with plasticky special effects and sophomoric acting.
Invite Jeff Sessions over for an eye exam...and burn away all the vile shit he's crammed into his hateful skull.
Wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE!
@Kaiser-Machead: Maybe rare, but I'll bet there's a website somewhere devoted to the practice.
@Kaiser-Machead: Hear hear. It now resides in the same lofty linguistic pantheon as "pew-pew-iness," "app-iness" and the beloved "insinuendo."
@akirachan: To say nothing of the drop-dead-stunning Berlinetta Lusso in the background there...
@Hotscot: "No. There is another."
The bedrock principles of Atlas Shrugged: self-direction, value given for value received, personal worth, are all laudable principles. What Rand failed to realize, or communicate, is that no one in the real world can operate under the iron-bound principles she espoused. The costs are too great. "Atlas Shrugged" may be…
@TwistedChimp: "Gropecunt Avenue." Amazing. Nothing quite so poetic as that here...although we do have "Big Bone Lick State Park." Which sits quite near a little town called "Beaver Lick."
@TwistedChimp: No harm, no foul. A difference of cultural and geographic perspectives. But I still want an address in Pratt's Bottom...even in Merry Olde, that's GOT to be a silly name, yes?
@LessthanZach: Much large thanks. I think I'll just stick to relatively low-contrast desktops.
@LessthanZach: Much large thanks. I think I'll just stick to relatively low-contrast desktops.
All very pretty, but I have a question maybe a fellow Giz contributor can answer:
@TwistedChimp: I wasn't attempting to rank their respective value based on the sophistication of the humor extant. I mention them in the same breath because they share the same quality I stated in my original post: schizophrenic absurdity, as a contrast to the general impression they presented of Brits as buttoned-up,…
Note to BP:
"Dr. Crusher, to my ready-room.
Mad. They're all just barking mad over there. No other country presents such refined forbearance in social settings, yet contrasts that with such schizophrenic absurdity in their comedy.
Too bad Richard Heene wasn't in this thing.
Weird, blobby-looking thing. But I was there when it was first seen at the Detroit Show, and it caused quite a stir. Bloomfield Hills blue-hairs snapped 'em up like crazy. It still has a very evocative interior. The thing's just been around too damn long.