
Note to Mustang branding and marketing team:

Time for Soylent Green.

I had a Corgi model of the JPS Lotus...hands down, no bullshit, the sexiest, machoist F1 shape and color scheme ever.

@Occula: Agreed. I understand (and applaud) Jackson wanting to showcase his native country's lovely assets in LOTR. But does anyone stop to remember that John Tolkien (not Jackson) created the whole damn mythology? That he was a Brit? That he based much of his Middle Earth on what he saw in his beloved England (plus a

In the "Unforgivable Omissions" category: the '66 Toronado.

@fluffywarthog1029: No. The Maiar (wizards) were selected by the Ainu (demigods) as their representatives in Middle Earth...they did not "select" their own colors. Only one wizard (Mithrandir - Gandalf) remained true to his apppointed task. The Blue Wizards (Alatar and Pallando) traveled east and abandoned their

@x1two: Indeed, despite the weight the guy carries around every day. That's one good definition of hero. I hope he knows how much affection a lot of good people have for him.

Might I add (and I swear I'm not making this up...came across it during an image search for "water splash") a personal photo documentary of how changes in diet affected one guy's stools.

I dunno. I've always more or less assumed that cars were meant to be driven...not to be used as media hubs for clueless, twittering, facebook-fucking, social networking asshats willing to jeopardize human lives to get that next 140-character synopsis of their pathetic, butt-sucking lives out to their followers. Here's

Thoroughly and completely cool idea. Looks like something Dale Chihuly would do.

@mikeybracken: Bunch of new ones here in Ann Arbor (the construction of which has lengthened my commute from 8 minutes to about 30...sigh) . I suspect they're popular here because of the international cultures U of M seems to attract.

Ummm...what the fuck? Did Walter di'Silva design all of these? They all look like Gallardo-wanna-be's.

@shinobiX200: Indeed. Perhaps the punishment should fit the crime, to wit: strip him naked, put him in a 6X6 cell, feed him nothing but corn, fleas and cockroaches, collect his feces, and mix it back into his diet again and again.

@crosis101: "I wouldn't know what kind of report to file, Center."

@ShirtBloke: Which in turn reminds me of that old chestnut: the guy going down on his date and exclaiming, "What a big pussy! What a big pussy!"

@FritzLaurel: My understanding is that the deal with Circuit City to carry DCM as a "house brand" pretty much destroyed the Windows. They were seen as too expensive for most CC customers, and DCM started compromising their designs to create a lower price-point. Steve Eberbach, the founder and designer of the Windows,

@FritzLaurel: As an almost-lifetime Ann Arborite, I concur. Owned a pair of TimeWindow 1As for 12 years. Got 'em from HiFi Buys on Main and Madison...about 3 miles from where they were screwed together on Airport Blvd. Sweet, warm, and richly dynamic. The IIIs were even better.

Is it me, or are those speakers a direct design ripoff of those in the Nissan Cube?