Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams.
Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some music? You provide the toast and we’ll provide the jams.
Michele Mouton. She won 4 WRC rallyes, was vice world-champion in 1982 (only Walther Röhrl was faster) and has a class win in Le Mans under her belt.
Sorry, but the only thing worse than the surveillance state is the black bandanna wearing free-range coffee sipping underemployed bellend shitbirds that pretend this accomplishes anything when really it just serves to make them feel like some sort of crappy Patagonia wearing revolutionary and nail that Philosphy major…
Nobody uses PSIs outside of the US. The bar is based on the metric system and makes sense for the order of magnitude encountered here.
In Russia, road crashes into you.
Because crucifying someone for having a couple of beers at the baseball park will do NOTHING to increase safety and in many ways may actually cause more issues. If you know two beers is the limit then you have two beers, if the limit is none then why stop at a reasonable amount anyways? Lowering the limit is going to…
That's not a roundabout drift video. This is a roundabout drift video.
The controversial part of this whole arrangement is that a conflict of interest arises when one team that repeatedly wins championships seems to be backed by the race organization itself. It would be the equivalent of Bernie Ecclestone continuously feeding funds into Red Bull Racing in Formula One.
When I'm on a bike, I just assume that every car driver is actively out to get me. I ignore signal lights, and don't assume someone's turning in any particular direction until I see their wheels turn. So many drivers simply don't see bikers, it's silly to act like they're doing anything but trying to kill you.
Not a very good motorcycle rider. You are supposed to have an almost paranoid attention to the road. Heck he never even tried to avoid the car by going around which means he never took any safety classes.
You're right. The bikers didn't directly cause the accident. The Volvo driver is fully at fault.
The right lane is for driving in and the left lane is for passing. If someone wants to pass a car/bike/truck/whatever, they should be able to do so in the left left. Taking up both lanes, whether speeding or not causes traffic. It's people like yourself that are the wide cause of congestion in the world's roads
Considering that the riders in the left lane were at the same speed as the ones in the right and were not looking to merge over or pass, I would say that counts as blocking.