
As a child of Africans, a lot of terror towards us came from Europe and it wasn’t disgruntled Arab youth from Brussels. Actually they were from Brussels and they left with baskets filled with the hands of the Congolese! How can we forget about the Germans! They premiered/soft opened the Holocaust in Namibia. What

trump is constructing a golf course in ireland! why is this man building and funding a terrorist country?!

I have never wanted to be less pregnant than in this moment. I want a glass of this ridiculous thing more than I want to not have consistent braxton hicks.

My kid also scoffs at my rapping skills. Since I have no rapping skills, I have to agree with her. I still try to be Lafayette anyway. It’s our job to embarrass and mortify them.

Brock Turner’s dad wants to know how many minutes the stabbing took before he decides whether the sentencing is fair or not.

This. My step-dad kept me quiet for years by telling me that my mom would kill herself if she found out (she’d attempted twice before), and if she did, he’d “come after” me and my dad. So I could either let the abuse continue, or essentially orphan myself. And I was just a normal middle-class kid, not financially

If anyone wants to read an incredible, informative piece of YA fiction about women pilots in WWII, Code Name Verity is fantastic. It’s heart rending at te end but it is so damn good.

this is the only song you found dylan’s singing weird?

I'd rather have a child on the spectrum than a child that is going to have to go through a lifetime of surgery due to spina bifida, etc. Why do people think autism is always the worst possible thing? I can understand certain KINDS of autism can leave you mentally disabled, but plenty of people I know fall into the

I mean, this isn’t the first time Pete Campbell’s baby mama kept her pregnancy and delivery a secret.

Totally! Like, seeing these really has the effect of humanizing him, despite being a world leader and a figure so widely hated and ridiculed. It doesn’t excuse his actions as president—more just makes it harder to dismiss them as the actions of a bad/stupid person. They make me think about how individual people

Guys, I don’t think you understand. George W. Bush’s paintings are FASCINATING. They’re really good. Like, this failure of a president has retreated into this quiet life of creating these painfully amateurish paintings that have this funny, melancholy quality. I would love to buy one. 100% serious.

My friend said I'd poop and not care but I really did. I also didn't like being naked and vulnerable. It was humiliating being that our of control. Everyone said I wouldn't care, but I really did. The whole thing pissed me off, but I did get a baby out of it, so....

There is never not enough Barba. That man is like a freshly-filled cannoli: delicious

I don’t want to be an asshole here but I imagine that is how I will come across.

Yeah, like when she didn’t know how the census worked. I have a hard time believing that an adult (or high school student for that matter) would understand that topic, let alone a freaking press secretary.

Wait, I thought we were all starring in an ongoing adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale?

That’s a full lid, people.

You book those by selecting the UberYACHTX option.

*John Terry immediately hands in transfer request*