
I was born on the other side of the fence so to speak. And even though I was only four when the wall fell, I remember it so well. Suddenly this feeling that things would be different in my country was just overwhelming. I think about this quite a lot, and just how much the fall of the wall impacted my own life as

I read somewhere people look for mates who look like their parents. I'd check Google for a source, but then I gotta' go to the searchbar and type in EXACTLY (vaguely) what I want to find and ugh.

Oh well if Amanda Palmer is on his side, surely he must be in the right.

Right, and every time someone says something like that to me, I have to wonder just how much of an asshole they are that they've consciously decided to no longer give a shit about anyone else.

I hate that I know this but Kris was anti-OJ after the killings, as she was close with Nicole.

I went to college in Houston. Now I'm back in rural New Jersey and I miss Houston like crazy. Tex Mex, lack of winter, Democrats who aren't my parents (yay living in the reddest part of a blue state!), and lots of free stuff to do, I miss you. =(

I haaate how he gets so righteous about Jake Ballard. I mean, seriously? It's epic man-child levels of ridiculousness. I could even get behind that if Olivia Pope stopped buying it. It's so out of line with how the rest of her character is written.

YES, a Dance Moms meme. I shamelessly watch that show and Holly is the absolute best. Everyone else is always losing their damn minds on that show and they switch to Holly who does nothing but drop rational truth bombs all over the place.

I've always suspected you are not really a member of the royal family. How dare you impersonate one online!

The Golden Girls had that really fly song about Miami.

Celebrity Edition!

"We keep hearing how difficult it is to get Ebola because it's not airborne. We keep hearing that the media is fear-mongering."

Working theory: What if she's been reading a lot of Edith Wharton and just subbed in a snowmobile for a sled?

My all-time favourite JW moment:

Can i just say the thing about not making eye contact was spot on? Because that happened to me on the subway last month when this dude decided that since I randomly made eye contact with him, it meant he could follow me out of the station, on to the fucking street and try to flag me down and have a conversation. I

Conversation I had the other night around 11:30pm after parking my car in Brooklyn:

OMG this segment was magic. i highly recommend the daily show podcast as well. In the first episodes, Jessica Williams and the female writers on the Daily Show staff discuss how they came up with some of the other segments om sexism and sexual assault. Definitely worth hearing.

I also do not care for Kevin Smith as a person (loved his movies as a teen; still nostalgia watch a few of them) and I totally agree this makes me like her even more.

after Winston Churchill.

The Falcon, though.