
Just stopped by to say that James Blunt marrying is no loss to anyone. Has anyone ever seen or heard him interviewed? I'm sorry but the guy is a total toolbag. Bye Felicia.

Transcendent success in an industry dominated by white men. Rich as Croesus by virtue of her singular creative ability. Hosting the President of the United States at her private residence. Generating hundreds of millions in revenue for one of the largest corporations in the world.

Jesus and TLC's checks - they've been cashing in on the reality circuit for, what, a decade now?

I didn't know until I got pregnant and most of my friends didn't know either. I never learned that in school.

Ten Things About Ledes You Won't Believe - What Happened Next Will Change You For The Rest Of Your Life.

I can't hate Ben Affleck. I bet he makes really good waffles on Saturday morning and never talks while Game of Thrones is on.

I mean is it really pretentious if this is the first tweet in a line of tweets that are specifically talking about racial injustice and, specifically, the bullshit that's surrounding the Mike Brown/Darren Wilson case or nah?

Actually, what I love about this photo even more than Connie Britton's hair is the image of a United States Senator looking so young and natural and unpolished. Her youthful optimism just shines through.

that happened to me with Parks & Rec - I watched the 1st season when it aired and it suuuuuuucked. But people kept telling me it gets better, so over the last few weeks I marathoned through all of it - it does get better!

Solid strategy: stop reading the second you find something to be bothered about. If you keep reading then the rest of the paragraph might fix the problem, and you won't be able to feel put upon and make it about you.

I have now revised my opinion of "Mean." I had previously thought that writing a song like that about a critic was immature even by Taylor Swift standards, but if it's this critic, it's merely terribly accurate.

I would never, ever take my cat outside in New York City in anything other than a carrier. I am getting anxiety just looking at these pictures.

Everyone is talking about The Olive Garden because it is the perfect mix of fine and casual dining that makes you feel at home with its warm aesthetic and reasonable prices.

Seriously, thank you.

As someone who gets stroke like symptoms with her migraines, (slurred speech is sexy!) I concur!

Before people get all huffy about going to the hospital for a migraine, intense head pain can be a symptom of stroke, even if no other 'classic' stroke symptoms are present. Maybe Kanye is being over cautious, maybe he has family history and is being suitably cautious. Either way, health worries blow for everyone.

His face is provoking. He should not wear it outside of his home.

You can still raise money for cops who kill unarmed children, though. I will never, ever use this piece of crap site for anything again. GoFundMe can GoFuckItself.