
Look. If you're an American who doesn't think the police treating peaceful protests in Ferguson with the level of invading a hostile enemy city is over reacting, I just don't know what to say to you. Obviously, you're an idiot.

YES! I am not even kidding, it was an inspiring thing for a young ginger to see it. And pastel pink!

I can't wear anything anywhere because there is no clothing made for big boobs ever.

"What did you this summer, Mo'ne?"

First, Missouri isn't the South, second claiming that this is some kind of "regional" problem is stupid. Structural violence and inequality happens everywhere. Stop and Frisk was a policy of the NYPD. Renisha McBride was in fucking Michigan. Wake up.

Hey, there's no need to be so fucking classist. These aren't "tuxedo cats"; they're just dressed reasonably: it's after five, and they're not farmers.

I have to ask, did you ever have a soul? or did you give it to the devil in exchange for some videogames sometime before this comment?

Now that she got kicked out of the sorority she'll have a lot more free time. Does the Ferguson Police Department have a work study program?

I guess Facebook is right about those satire tags.

I'm sure you're already aware that you're very fortunate in this regard. It amazes me how inflexible some employers can be. I went to work for a startup in 2008, when my daughter was entering preschool. I put in the long/crazy hours for 2 years, climbed the ladder, and by the time the company was on stable footing, I

Could White people please stop talking about the "militarization" of the police, as if the police just started treating Black people this way 10 years ago when the government started handing this gear out?

I completely agree with everything Olliver say's here regarding Ferguson. However "citing the possibility of a terrorist attack on its "annual Pumpkin Festival." to be fair I have been known to terrorize pumpkin pies, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin beer, pumpkin cake, pumpkin soup, and many other pumkin flavoured items.

"The parent purposely put that child in harms way." Really.

I totally get your point but just a quick FYI: Muslims believe in the same God as Christians. Muslims even believe Jesus was a prophet. Islam (along with other religions like the Ba'hai faith) is in the Judeo-Christian tradition. This woman is not a Christian, she's just a bitch. As a white woman, I'm sorry so many

It wouldn't be a problem if the police had actually taken statements from the witnesses. Apparently they still haven't interviewed Johnson.

Simi Valley, part deux

I only allow misandrist lullabies in my house.

You know, around here we have a section in the paper dedicated specifically to publishing the name and information of people who commit crimes from shoplifting to murder. The names of mass shooters who kill unarmed people in cold blood are shouted from the rooftops with no regard for what their families might go

Welcome to Post Racial America! I see you've flown with us before.

My thinking exactly. She's not an infant or intellectually impaired. Can things happen when a kid walks home alone? Yes. Can bad things happen to kids in daycare? Yes. Can bad things happen to things in school? Yes.