
His name is Cassidy.

The fact that I, as a white woman, get lauded for staying at home with my kids and not working is the biggest wake-up call to my privilege. If my skin had any other tint I'd get called all kinds of names.

I saw a tweet from a NYT reporter somewhere confirming that the crowd, which included reporters and photographers, was being fired on with tear gas and forced to get back. Yeah, shades of New Orleans, when FEMA wouldn't let people in. Do you know I was with 150 Florida airboaters who had fully-stocked pontoons and

It's a breach baby.

Somewhere in the equation aside from racism, institutional bias, etc., I suspect the following is part of the problem: the persistent myth (within and without) that law enforcement is a "highly dangerous job" (the oft-quoted "putting life on line every day"), with people naturally (re)acting according to that

Throw ballet in and Im there with you. Ill bring snacks!

I hope everyone can be patient during all of this and I hope the community can stay peaceful.

That is a terrific movie and stars a young David Duchovny.

IDK, why don't you ask Ben Roethlisberger or Ray Rice?

They're probably glad that he's a year older and bigger. Like a red shirt for high school.

God I'd marry a guy if he just made the fridge be that clean.

Mo-Ne is totally throwing "like a girl" - because she is one.

BTW, here they are hanging out on the bed!

Usually— though that nice Navidson family had such trouble with this sort of thing a few years back.

her children have never played the piano, but if they DID she imagines they would be QUITE the proficient.

Did he ever want to make bad men fly?

Honestly, I don't think it should be legal for children to be on reality shows. It is a hell of an invasion of privacy and it does not constitute a "normal" environment for their development, and most important of all, they cannot consent to it. They are being exploited by their attention-whore, money-grabbing parents

Yes! Good show, Great work by Anderson. The setting (in terms of mood, not place) was similar to the X files in a lot of ways so i kept expecting Mulder to show up and talk about aliens!

Since there isn't a comment here which address the cuteness of this baby without denigrating Kim or Kanye I'll make one so that others can star it without feeling complicit in negativity to which they don't personally subscribe: