
Yes, sometimes I think the distaste for lots of body hair is a fairly sound defense mechanism for young girls to keep them from getting involved with much older guys

Great, thanks for that, no one had ever heard that one before. I'm sure that is really helpful.

I personally hope they stay together forever just because I'm so tired of hearing about how excited people are for them to break up.

He did two epsiodes of Who - Series 5, Ep 11 (The Lodger) and Series 6, Ep 12 (Closing Time).

No one is arguing that he's not talented

These articles make me realize that we need a ghost story blog. One that is run by Mark. A ghost story/weird sex blog. Most successful Internet venture ever.

He got buff for the role, causing a rift between those who love buff Chris Pratt, those who love schlubby Chris Pratt, and those who know that the only answer is Urkel's cloning machine that gave us both Steve Urkel and Stefon Urquelle.

A friend of mine got told on the Fourth of July that her husband wanted a divorce. He blamed her for everything - she was too in to her career, she wasn't getting pregnant fast enough, and a bunch of other douche canoe things in a list that smelled, shall we say, fishy, from the beginning.

Um, I think the National Report is a fake news page.

This is a war on *poor* parents. By and large, the greatest density of registered sex offenders will be in the poorer neighborhoods of any city. So if you are a poor single mom, and you're grateful for perhaps the first 30 minutes you've had to yourself in a are at greater risk for negligent parenting

Sorry, I call bullshit on this. It seems like some kind of PR campaign for IMGUR or something. The couple is too attractive & their poses don't suggest shyness. The poses are also a little too perfectly set-up/ matchy to make for easier photoshopping. Nobody would pose in the exact same spot, in the same pose as


You mean NOTED famous person FASHION photographer Nigel Barker.

Shitty trigger discipline asshole.

The problem is going to be that people who can't afford to pay their water bill probably also can't afford to throw out all the perishables in their pantry and replace them with vegan products, many of which are very expensive and can only be purchased at Whole Foods-like shops.

Yes! And as a Jew I always volunteer because I obviously don't have any conflicting feelings about it.

It's pretty obvious.

Woah, woah, woah. Let's not go overboard with all of this feminist outrage. What the NFL is saying with this suspension is that beating a woman unconscious is 1/8th as bad as smoking pot twice.