
This kind of thing always reminds me of this joke:

Ugh, I fucking know a guy who has kickstartered his seminary. He works part time, by choice.

Uh, or you could teach your sons that assaulting or raping someone is never okay. They can respect other women and not just the ones they're related to.

AND she was in the passing lane, did not have her flashers on, her brake lights were not on (since she was out of the car ).

Ok, if it's a regular 2 lane street or neighborhood street, it MAYBE ok to stop and get out of your car to help some ducks. But if it's a highway, freeway, 4 or more lane road, or any road that has a median, please don't endanger yourself or others helping ducks. It's not worth getting hurt/killed and/or getting

Plot twist: the ducks are members of Duck Heaven's Gate, and this lady just prevented their transcendence.

I'm a regular reader of, and recently Heather got involved with Exodus, a group of Christians working to free people, mostly women, from sex trafficking. She had some apprehension about getting involved with a Christian organization, but was quickly re-assured:

Thank god the people she was with put her in a room, closed the door, and she didn't come to for three and a half hours."

I am clearing my schedule to learn how to embroider this.

You are a fucking dick. There, I said it.

"You mean to tell me that this girl with this fucking body and this face is also into style, and she's a nice person, and she has her own money and is family-oriented? That's just as cool as a fucking fighter jet or dinosaur!"

I'll never stop rooting for Kim and Kanye to make it.

We never take him out of his original packaging. It keeps him from the elements.

If you look at my other comments you will see that I genuinely love the Olive Garden. I have celebrated two graduations, three birthdays and countless family occasions there.

You will be pleased to learn that I didn't get paid at all! This was cross-posted from Jezebel's open forum for employees!

That's actually exactly how it's supposed to work. Exposed to the same classes and roughly the same opportunities, you weren't in the top ten percent at your high school (no shade, I was top 12% at my 5A Texas high school, I went out of state and am doing just fine in life for not being top 10). That rural

I don't know, though. This builds in diversity in experiences and places the small schools on a level playing field with the big ones. It sucks if you're not in the 10% if you're at a super huge school or a high achieving one, but it offers opportunities to kids that might not have received them otherwise when you get

She's stuck around long enough, people like her voice, often ignoring the (lack of) substance. It sounds like a cozy, not-too-hot cup of General Foods International Coffee with a couple of guilt-free biscuits on the side, but one rarely remembers what either tasted like. #boomersrunningnpr

Nope, sorry, the choice comes before the milk goes in the cup. Once it's in, you're stuck with it, kiddo.