
That doesnt mean Spider-Man 3 wasnt one of the worst superhero movies ever. The old films dont hold up in our modern superhero movie society. They're too cheesy


Not that I have a problem with Copley the actor, but, couldn't they have found someone... big and built... to play Christian? He's supposed to look like he was a big, tough superhero once. What gives?

What's wrong with absurdity? Are you afraid comic book movies might become as charming and weird as the comics they came from?

Hey, MODOK, mo' problems, amiright?

The reason I asked the question was because I knew Lee does a lot of DC shit and Silvestri mostly does Marvel, but that looked a lot like Silvestri's run at the end of New X-Men.

Given the recovery of both Blade and Ghost Rider, maybe we'll get a Midnight Sons movies....

Agreed on the first Blade being the best one. I'm an enormous fan of the Blade trilogy, though I later discovered (much to my surprise!) that Blade was 100% human in the comics, which made him seem just a little bit less badass.

The inclusion of Hawkeye and Black Widow gets ridiculouser and ridiculouser. Not that I don't like the Black Widow character, mind you. Get them their own movie, away from galactic threats....

So you CAN smell what the Rock is cooking. You probably just don't want to.

The rock smells what Ratner's cooking. Spoiler: It aint pancakes.

Posted on his Facebook page on his "Cheat Day". He gives himself, once in a while, a day to just go nuts and scarf down a shit ton of pancakes/waffles. It varies.

Oh my god, those look so good. I haven't had blueberry pancakes in YEARS.

My first working headline: Brett Ratner's Hercules Is A Stack Of Shit Pancakes

I have got to find my copy of Nextwave

And then Warren Ellis got hold of half of these characters and turned them into awesome with Nextwave: Agents of HATE:

Better than the first costume he had under that name: