
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly all called the comic & toy shops to begin demanding these toys that won't be ordered for weeks to come. I fear something terrible has happened.

Perhaps I was reading into the tone of Rob's post, and ignoring the context he'd attempted to create. While his initial post did compel a strong, annoyed response from me, I can see your points.

I can't post images here, so I'm just gonna leave this link...

Some of my sex-positive female friends are amateur strippers and burlesque performers, and I think they'd argue that there's nothing dehumanizing about a woman displaying her body in a sexual fashion. Why, I've heard that some women even find it empowering to show off their sexuality.

Oh, the stories I could tell you.... ;)

Well, it comes down to perspective. I will admit that I really went at him for the article and that my response was longer than his initial statement, so yeah, I might be firing off from left-field a little. But the context of his statements still bothered me. I nearly deleted my statement, and maybe I should've,

Well, I guess we just have different feelings about the issues being presented.

I wrote and deleted several responses. I really wanted to just walk away, but there was something about the "sex = bad" and "women's bodies = wrong" mentality that just really bothered me. I should've just walked away though, I agree.

That's 'cause they took away the *bold* text formula. I like to mix things up a bit.

Rob, I normally really enjoy some of your outlooks, but this feels like just muckraising and trolling. Seriously, this reads like some old man at the mall shouting at the teenagers to pull up their pants and stop showing so much ass-meat.

If you can't see how MODOK fits into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, then you missed the whole point of why we're turning comics into movies.

Any being strong enough to fistfight with Iron Man, Thor, or the Hulk would go through Cap, Hawkeye, and the Black Widow like a train going through a slightly moist sandwich.

Epic Cheat Meal, man! The Rock burns clean for 120 days, and then.... madness!

This is from The Rock's Epic Cheat Meal!

Shit Pancakes? Shitcakes?

The only writer I recall making John bisexual was Brian Azzarello, who wrote (in my opinion) the worst of the Hellblazer comics.


I'll give you my favourite Marvel, and my favourite DC.

Well, at least this makes WAY MORE SENSE than Marky Mark playing Cade in a Neuromancer movie.