He's Just Not That Shin-Soo Choo

Lol, this was killed by the crossover about as much as Prince was killed by an elevator. They both happened to be around the same place at the same time, but we’re ignoring the fact that Prince took more vikes than eighth century england and the verano was so boring, people fell asleep before they could even get the

But what if it is delicious Kobe beef?

Do you get paid at all?

This concludes the last thing any of us will read about the 2015-2016 Atlanta Falcons. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

No caviar shall be allowed in the owners box for six games.

Also important: if ordering the prix fixe while trying to impress a date, definitely pronounce it correctly.

My all time favorite math joke is:

Generally, I try and do some background research before making drug related purchases. You know, I want to make sure I'm working through a reputable dealer and that I'm getting quality product.

Free watersports? I'm in.