
I am so glad I was not drinking anything at the time. My screen would be covered in water.

I believe dick is graded on the same scale the USDA uses: Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility.

I'm giggling* about your "signed a contract with the devil" comment because someone in io9 earlier said they "shit out their souls" when they ate gluten :D

*I know, I know, going to hell

why does everyone on this thread sound like they wish they were richard dawkins? are there a lot of british people here or something?

actually if you ate an entire pint of ben and jerry's double mudslide and ONLY that you'd be well under your daily caloric requirements, create an energy intake deficit and probably lose weight.

lol scurvy is my favorite oregon trail illness so cheerfully i will assure you i am not nearly as crazy as i used to be. i no longer live in new york city which is like a crucible for eating disorders and have made peace with my stomach for existing.

there are few things in life i enjoy more than talking to strangers about my gastrointestinal issues.

true. i resent the practice of misrepresenting articles' content just so people will get polarized and click. we can be trusted to genuinely care about nutrition, health, and body stuff without the michael bay equivalent of a headline being rammed down our throats.

i could've recited that line to you verbatim. i read and retain like a motherfucker. bitch, please.

Word. I get so tired of this. C.A. knew exactly what bullshit that headline would draw. The article doesn't reflect the headline at all, but hey, what's a little sneering mockery for genuinely sick people compared to a few more clicks!

yo' for real, stop with this nonsense. gluten sensitivity is an easy term for the layman to remember. it refers to a generalized inability to process carbohydrates.

From Ms. Brumfitt's blog:

So plastic surgery is fitness?

I agree with you 100 percent I don't get why people are calling you an asshole. When a senile old lady pulls a pistol on her nephew and then at the police what are you gonna do? Calmly approach her she's probably crazy.

CGI is fine. It's when you start going all weird human-face anthropomorphic on an already established character that it's a bad, bad idea.

It's a lot harder to photoshop pant legs.

Question: if you can leave inheritance to your cats, can you also leave them saddled with your debts?

For all intents and purposes.

I find it hugely problematic that any feminist would support such an act that is undertaken entirely without consent. The above research sure appears to be pushing the circumcision agenda. Europe has very low levels of circumcision yet does not have increased levels of HIV or HPV.

Well, its not like Frozne was an original movie to being with, with it based on the Snow Queen.