
Because people like him are just projecting their own laziness.

Because of the cholesterol myth. Cholesterol is essential to life. No cholesterol, no life. It's so important nearly every cell in the body is capable of producing it. Only about 10-15% of dietary cholesterol actually makes it to the blood. And even then it isn't cholesterol that's responsible for clogged arteries.

Also my SO's sister is in town and in my fridge I have a tub of full fat yogurt. 9g of carbs (sugars) per serving. She went and picked up a few groceries for herself while she was out fetching something. Comes back with 0% fat yogurt that has 19g of carbs (sugars) per serving and the serving size is less than half a

Full fat foods taste better and are satiating. When food lacks fat you literally eat til you feel physically full. There's a huge difference between feeling satiated and full. Eating full fat foods your body seems to actually be able to see the calories its getting. Whereas all this low-fat bullshit forces people to

Quality > Quantity. Fix the quality problem and you no longer have a quantity problem. But that notion flies in the face of commonly accepted "facts" about health and nutrition. So I'll just sit back and enjoy my full fat real foods while ya'll count the calories in all the shit manufactured "food" products. Have fun

I'm 27. I wish my parents were alive.

What cancer inducing science are they using??? And how much cancer will I get? Totes worth the trade off.

What cancer inducing science are they using??? And how much cancer will I get? Totes worth the trade off.

Why are we gross? Whats wrong with mayo? You still afraid of fat? Get with the times.

First of all female... or just human nudity in general, should not be something shameful, scandalous or dangerous. Every normal, non-disfigured human being on earth has genitalia of some sort. It's fucking retarded we're socialized into shaming people for being how nature freaking us. It's not you stressing your

I'm glad you realize you were lucky. Its rage inducing the people who think all those who don't succeed didn't try hard enough and their failure has no other factors. The commentor Metalgear386 is a perfect example of this. He's been all over the post showing off how awesome his bootstraps are...

A lot of people are born with limitations you know. When you're born poor the only thing of value you have to barter with is your labor and talents. Well labor is just about worthless in America anymore and the barrier to entry on anything better than a minimum wage job costs more than a house in education costs. Now

Other people's choices and children are no one else's responsibility. No ifs, ands, or buts. I do not owe you or any other breeder anything. It is not my duty to prop you up so you can continue the human race. Get the fuck over yourself. If you need others to sacrifice so you can raise a child, you have no business

I don't have a problem with this, on his part anyway. Discrimination against single people is real. No one person can dismantle that. And simply saying, "go find a different employer," when just getting a job in the first place is hard, is unrealistic. If companies don't want people lying to get paid fairly they

You've never worked in game development have you?

As another person in the industry, this man/woman speaks truth.

At first I only saw, "Lovin' Beetus." Which is fairly accurate.

She is an amazingly beautiful human being. This is a fantastic portrait.

Humanity has always been so brutal. The zombie apocalypse just reveals whats always been just below the surface. People who keep trying to reject that told hold onto "humanity" aren't making it the long haul.

Exactly. She did not look pleased about having the katana back, or I should say that it returned to her and she still has to use it.

As someone living in close proximity to DC and having nerdy coworkers, zombie Apocalypse discussions have been had. And one thing we all agree on is that there are way too many fucking people around here. Seriously this is one of the last places you'd want to be. Traffic here doesn't function on a normal work day, can