
I've seen Paula Dean deep fry butter!

Yes, that looks like one of the Trash-80s, probably the TRS-80 Color Computer. It used a color TV as a monitor and you could back it up to an audio cassette player. It ran a special version of Basic. It was my first home computer. It was great for homework. I remember using it like kids use graphing calculators

or, just use iTunes. The main reason I use Apple products is because iTunes just works (mostly!). You know Apple is going to make format changes to how they handle media. They obviously do some testing with their own products, why should they spend any time verifying that competitors products work?

Based on half an hour of listening to each, it seems like you're a lot more likely to hear Beatles music (by the Beatles) on Pandora rather than on iTunes Radio on a station called "The Beatles".

Not all DACs are created equal. I converted about 50 CDs into FLAC files and I swear they sound much better through my Oppo box than they ever did on a good quality Yamaha CD player. I wasn't expecting that result, I just thought it would be easier to listen to FLAC files that put on CDs.

I always carry $200 in cash tucked away in my car. Also, whenever I get a new car, I always check out how I'm going to change a tire. I've had a couple of cars and one truck that came with a jack that didn't really work.

I actually carry an iPhone because of iTunes. It just works. I got tired of fooling with the other media managers every time something changed or got upgraded. Media Monkey does a good job too but it is very weak at identifying cds when you rip them. iTunes doesn't have many options for ripping cds but again, it

I had the same sort of experience in Calc III but for me, it was more like angels singing and lights going on. Suddenly, it all made sense and I had a glimpse of how smart Newton was. Then, I got really angry, why had my teachers made it seem so difficult?

I also vote for the TomTom. I've used mine many times when I had no phone service. Also, you can download POIs (points of interest) or tables of POIs for a vacation or any activity to easily find locations. Also, my TomTom is voice activated, I can say, "Navigate to nearest Panaera Bread" and it gives me accurate

ahh, SunOS, those were happy days. However, my favorite OS was Solaris 2.8. Everything just worked. If you had a question, you could go on SunSolve and figure it out yourself.

There are a number of online sites that review TVs and do a good job,

I'm an IT guy and my phone gets a workout 24x7. I use it as an alarm clock, for reminders, reading the news, checking the weather and if the commute gets ugly, "Waze" does a great job navigating around the mess. Also, I love having Bluetooth in my car so I can listen to either my own playlists or Pandora. If the

Is it just me or do other people see the AT&T logo and think "Deathstar"?

You're the parent, you don't need to discuss everything with your children.

You are on the right track with "Let Them Be In Charge" I found a great way to get children to cooperate is to give them a clear choice, "We can go to the store now, or we can have cream of tomato soup for dinner." "We can leave now or we can decide to never come back to this playground, your choice."

My sister lives in Vermont and as far as I can tell, the only work she does is to make sure that no windmills or Walmarts get built in Vermont. They pretty much depend on Federal grants for everything.

Have you ever noticed that a grilled cheese sandwich prepared by someone else is always much better than a grilled cheese sandwich that you have cooked? I call it "The Grilled Cheese Sandwich Effect" and it also seems apply to to hot dogs. It's why hot dogs at a ball park are always better than the hot dogs you

Good advice. No tech advice but here are my rules for a day at Disney World. First, identify the park with the "magic hour" as envador notes, either be first in line for "magic hour" or avoid that park, it will be the most crowded park by noon. Second, plan on an early lunch and go back to your hotel when the

When they were under 16, we gave our kids a regular allowance so they would learn a little bit about staying on a budget. They were expected to help with certain jobs around the house and they were also given optional jobs for extra money. Mostly, I just wanted them to have their own money. The most important

I always use smoots when I want to impress people.