
I prefer the Metro, but nice to see someone else post up an Ogio bag.

I prefer the Metro, but nice to see someone else post up an Ogio bag.

You’re absolutely right. Fuck this guy and his plane.

“The plane is an eyesore!” -Some guy who probably owns a Nissan Juke

I fucking hate people.

Hiking and camping are great but nature can be more accessible. Drive to a park in your area, leave your phone in the car, go sit on a bench, and watch nature. If you want to be adventurous, bring some seeds to scatter for the birds and squirrels.

B&O Beoplay H6s.

B&O Beoplay H6s.

yes, yes, yes...Deadspin could not have done or said anything to make me feel better, thanks!

Deadpsin’s tears are so delicious right now

Yeah, the dude throws for 400+ yards and leads a comeback from 25 down, and this is what you post.

“sudo su” bothers me. I prefer “sudo -s”.

How is he going to watch Yankees games now?!

Yep. I won’t respond to the wrong people in the grays to promote their wrong take that Harrison slipped to cause it/made it look bad. Fisher’s arm goes to the neck (meaning Fisher’s already beat) when Harrison’s stepping with his left leg, right foot planted. Harrison then proceeds to take two full steps with Fisher

If Kelce was so concerned about holding, then he should have tried holding onto the ball on that long throw down the middle that he dropped.

I am guessing that Kelce might have been a tad bit biased and was not presenting a completely fair, objective view of the referee’s call.

And your kids are probably better for it. Water cooler conversations be damned! Tell your coworker about the latest adventure of Captain Underpants.

I largely stopped watching tv after having kids. It hasn’t made me thin or smarter. It has made clueless during watercooler conversations. Basically, stop watching tv if you want to be your dad.

IT guy here, we don’t give a shit. Promise. We prefer to not have to archive your emails or monitor you. I would much rather spend my day arguing in the Kinja comments...so dont piss off your boss. Thanks!

I avoid this by “camping” in a nice hotel. The worst thing that happens is that the cable doesn’t work, or the ice machine breaks.

If you ever plan on doing any work yourself, even minor stuff like trim, be prepared for corners that are not 90 degrees and walls that are no longer flat.

Stop watching. It’s liberating. The game time is mostly filled with inaction and penalties anyway.