
@Murray Hewitt: He wasn't fixing games, he just knew enough to know he could make some easy money.

@Firesphere: If someone sends you a Word Document, how do you read it?

Is that a giant bong in the back of that truck?

The perfect girlfriend, he can rest his beer on the top of her head.

I just did this! I loaded DD-WRT on a very old WRT54G and followed the instructions on the DD-WRT's website. The whole project took me about a hour and the bridge works great. It provides MUCH better coverage than a Linksys transponder. Also upgrade the firmware on your AP. I wasn't brave enough to load DD-WRT on

You think it's set on vibrate?

@Hit Bull Win Steak: I'm betting that's why he's a bullfighter, he loved the little suit.

Why are they broadcasting from Philadelphia?

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: I wasn't outdoors in a hammock but, this was the real deal. I was drinking Sam Adams and waiting for the Red Sox to start up.

I would like to report that a nap during a soccer game is every bit as pleasant as a nap during a baseball game.

The problem isn't driving skills, the problem is that you might be going 12 mph in a 35 mph zone and be quite content with the whole situation.

I don't know if it would work with a high school kid, but with the Mites, you can grab their face cage and pull them right up to your face. You don't have to even say much, just make your eyes get real big. It scares the hell out of them. One time, I made a little girl pee her pants.

I vote for the girl who ripped her shirt off. That was the most exciting thing that ever happened in a soccer game.

@Spinnetti: It must be a little disconcerting to be sitting in a burning race car and the Three Stooges pull up in the firetruck.

@Hit Bull Win Steak: Ha, that's nothing, I've got 10 years and 5 missing teeth on you. I get introduced as, "the guy who put a goon in a Squirt game."

@Hit Bull Win Steak: "Moving laterally and without establishing body position, then making contact with the non-puck carrier is not permitted and will be penalized as interference" -Rule 56, NHL Rule Book.

@Hit Bull Win Steak: It doesn't make any difference, you can't hit someone going for the puck. From that angle, it sure looks like Pronger never had possession of the puck. That's interference.