The worst part about assholes, being told they are assholes and that they are no longer welcomed to their previous jobs, is that they will probably not understand why those bad things are happening to them.
The worst part about assholes, being told they are assholes and that they are no longer welcomed to their previous jobs, is that they will probably not understand why those bad things are happening to them.
Man, you know, when you grow up with an abusive parent, having the empathy and humanity that this guy shows is the biggest fuck you to a parent's destructive bullshit. I had a very abusive father and I'm not comparing (though you know, this does definitely trigger thoughts about my life), but there is nothing more…
Guys. There is nothing progressive about the Pope. I'm sorry.
The GOP doesn't stand for anything other than being against Democrats. And that is not a party platform that's going to win any voters, new or otherwise. The way the GOP is now, even Don Draper can't help them sell their shit.
But isn't Rush Limbaugh one of those guys who thinks that women are asking to be raped if they wear provocative clothing? So in a way, he's a Muslim himself.
In certain countries, Muslim women, if they’re raped, are killed – it’s their fault.
I'm not ready for you to orgasm yet, Dave.
Nope nope nope.
Ok, I think it's easy to say "short of abuse, obvs!" and then not actually clarify when, exactly, we could start saying you've become abusive. When does "indulgent" really become "controlling, infantilizing, emotionally abusive" and/or "selfish, pathetic, and negligent"?
When I was a kid in Greenwich, CT Diana Ross lived in our neighborhood. According to my dad there was a big to-do about her having her family members visit (gasp! non-white people!) and even issues about her joining the beach club (This was the early 80s, waaaay too late for this shit) . Then she bought all the houses…
This. I work in undergraduate admissions at a small private college. We have a large number of white applicants, and a decent number of minority applicants. The thing is, while the white applicants may have higher GPAs and/or class ranks than their minority counterparts, we are not comparing those two and simply…
I really wonder how long it will be until we once again cross the line and people are actually killed on purpose, with no other agenda, for the entertainment of the masses.
The rape joke is that you were to embarrassed to seek help after it happened because you liked the guy initially and you kind of wanted it to happen, but he turned into someone else — not someone else, his real self and someone you didn't like — and then you changed your mind. See? It's funny because you can't change…
Writer Patricia Lockwood has written a poem over at The Awl called "Rape Joke." It is not necessarily funny ha-ha, but it is very moving: "The rape joke is if you write a poem called Rape Joke, you’re asking for it to become the only thing people remember about you."
I was helped out of my car in a similar situation (t-boned by a girl going 90 in a 45 zone), but that man (whose name I never caught) deserves some anonymous internet praise: my parents were running errands and since none of us had cell phones (and I was only 16), this man drove to several places I said they might be…
EXACTLY! With anyone who cannot make it out on their own, you're supposed to leave them in the car except in extenuating circumstances. Otherwise you may well hurt them even more. Basically Zimmerman's getting that stupid fucking hero complex of his stroked again for actively being harmful, and that's the last thing…