
"Ignore my dyke hair"

Now playing

Um, I think people are missing the point and judging the song purely from what other people are saying about it. The song's about some loser trying to get a woman to drop her SO and have sex with him. Basically, Thicke is Vanilla Ice from that shitty movie he did in the 90s.

Unicorns are a myth. Rape culture is a thing.

My offense with the video isn't so much the objectification or the nudity; it's just BAD.

Now playing

Here's a present for you: an entire track delivered in vocal fry.

We just need a big hold in the ground to toss them into.

I say that they can be the test subjects for those drugs that we are afraid to test on monkeys. Monkeys are endangered you know.

People are animals, and when the actions of one threaten the safety of the rest, that one is cast aside to die.

These men demonstrated that they exist to cause harm to other people. They don't exist to create art, to clean water, to build castles, to feed the needy... They existed to slowly and painfully murder another helpless human being, for no other reason but to gratify their lust for blood. The only beneficial place in

Love how no one is offended by the racism, though

They kept comparing it specifically to kiddie porn; how the hell do they have the knowledge to make that distinction?

I already know nothing will happen to any of these people, especially since our nation has become a truly Liberal Socialist nation now.

Why are all these people comparing the show to child pornography? How do they know what pedophiles like to see? Are they aware that Miley is 20 years old? Even then is there some weird foam finger fetish that pedophiles have that these supposedly innocent people somehow know about?

I haven't seen it in theaters.

This wasn't domestic abuse, this was murdurrr.

Did she have spiders crawling out of her ears or something? She must have had more bugs living in her than a mexican apartment building.

Maybe not Beethoven, but Mendelssohn.

He tried to put on two condoms. A blue one and a yellow one


You coulda just posted that GIF; it sums up your entire story!