Yeah, you always want to use actual blades. Stay away from machines with whirring gizmos inside them.
Yeah, you always want to use actual blades. Stay away from machines with whirring gizmos inside them.
This video was very meh for me. The whole "blurred lines" thing never really struck me as that big of a deal anyway, especially seeing that the implications of the lyrics should probably get some more recognition other than "rapey".(Like the idea that female sexuality is malleable while male sexuality is…
Well, if your point was that hip hop tracks with sung choruses are inherently bad rap tracks, than you have a point.
Not all music is created equal. When talented artists write good music about anything, it gets heard. When talented artists write okay music about important things, people won't necessarily be putting it into their playlists.
Exactly, because it's always great to walk onto this site to see a white lady tut-tutting some racist white guy, and then moving on to other wholly self-absorbed white lady things.
So what's the lesson here? Straight artists can't advocate for the acceptance of LGBT people with their music; they just need to leave that stuff to people who are 'legit' LGBT? Or they can write that music, but they just need to tell people not to buy it to make sure it's not as successful as LGBT produced music?
Macklemore has traditionally had singers do the hooks for his tracks.
Venezuela, Argentina, same difference right?
See Mertzbow discussion.
Oh, I forgot, black people can't care about LGBT rights because black and gay are two separate issues and there's CERTAINLY no cross over for the two. Ever. Ever ever ever.
Well you are aware that music exists outside of hip-hop music? You know, people that write down notes with rhythms and people play instruments or use machines to produce vibrations in the air to cause affect in the listener?
Um, off to Netflix!?? ...
I get to use the Merzbow argument! Um, yay?
I've listened to all the 'greats' that the genre has given me. I'm not seeing them to be the Stravinskys or Brahms or Verdi you claim them to be.
No. The author basically lambasted a talented artist supporting LGBT rights because some dogfucker compared him to MLK. Yeah, Macklemore's such a fucking asshole letting that guy make that comparison.
He's as talented as the "music" genre called rap can allow people to be. I checked out that other "song", I'd rather get the audio book than listen to that hack-y shit.
Yeah, it's definitely not because she discounted a talented artist who is generally well-liked and pro-LGBT just because he was white.
Because Macklemore was a complete nobody before making that song. It's not like he hit #1 on the charts without being signed to a major label or nothin'.
Um yeah, none of those other guys hit #1 on the charts without being signed to a label. If you make good music with a good message, you get noticed. If you make mediocre music out of nowhere with a good message, don't count on getting as much fame.