
A lot of people tend to look at these and marvel at how much 8th graders learned back then/how smart they were.

In the same vein as my other comment, boys really are socially trained to speak deeply, or at least as much as they can do comfortably, partially because it's supposedly attractive to women and carries connotations of trustworthiness. I used to pretty much growl my words out until I came to terms with my sexuality,

One of my professors spent about 6 or so years in Japan, and she said that speaking the language and being around people who speak native Japanese made her speaking voice higher than it was normally. So yeah, you can train your brain to use your vocal chords differently.

Based on my understanding of the Bible, only God get to judge people when the time comes, not anyone else.

Manbearpig of the erotic world.

Um, I'm reading that some men get off on anal pleasure from large objects. Is this a new concept for you?

I don't know why, but Bad Dragon toys always look like something I would buy and set up in my room because they look so exciting with the tye-dye blended colors, and they look so squeezy.

"Your dead nights now will always be living."

Is there a reason that men using sex toys is 'scary' to you?

That Ablow article is such a joke. He tries so hard to make it seem like all this shit is completely new to humanity, and we're heading down a scary slippery slope from which there can be no return, wooOOOooooOOoo.

The answer is: people who want to masturbate over 'the sexualization of young girls and the decline of the moral standards of society at the hands of the left'. In other words, people who don't want to use those brain-thingies.

Or you could have ended up like me where your childhood consisted of your parents fearing you out of doing anything because something bad might happen, parents who did your chores before you could get to them, never took you out to drive because they feared for your safety, never taught you to do anything for yourself

I was the opposite as a kid; my parents would always want to get my grades changed, and I would say that I messed up and I would do better next time.

That was an isolated incident with like, 14 total people involved, with only 6 or so getting warts. I blame the hair-removal place.

This made me cry so hard.

My depression is really shitty today; I've had 11 instances of suicidal ideation (which really sucks when you have to do a lot of driving). I'm on almost 4 cups of coffee, and at this point, I'm not sure if it's making it worse or keeping me from driving into oncoming traffic...

So he never really hit her with a jug and it was just an elaborate illusion? Wow, that kid should be a magician.

ANYone is capable of internalizing patriarchy.

Born in Afghanistan, Sooraya is attacked by a slave trader attempting to remove her traditional niqāb; almost instinctively, she lashes out with her powers and flays him alive with her sand-like dust (otherwise known as sand).