Woah, shut up you faggot cunt nigga.
Woah, shut up you faggot cunt nigga.
Ha, what a loser. How can anyone take that nutjob seriously after a statement like that? And the ever-original and all-encompassing "lol I was being sarcastic" defense at the end as well.
Letting 5 White women decide the fate of the murderer of a poor Black teen. Nothing good will come from any of those scenarios
No dipshit, fat shaming is when people say that being fat is bad for you, like it's actively killing you to not have a 32 inch waist.
Apparently this is a thing in Europe where schoolchildren will masturbate into their hands and then throw their semen in other people's faces. I learned this from Russell Brand. I automatically believe everything he says now.
Pretty much, this sums up my feelings:
Ugh, everything about this looks like ass. The animation in general looks like a discount Tarantino knockoff, and I mean, look at this situation:
Yay, below average!!!
That's all you deserve.
It's not so much a stereotype problem than it is an i-don't-want-to-develop-any-form-of-emotional-maturity problem. This isn't categorizing men, it's saying "wow, these kinds of guys, man they're no fun" "yeah, I dated a guy like that and I didn't like it" "yeah, mine was like...."
The full term used to be Nice Guys (TM)
The funny thing is, when guys write stuff like this about women it's considered sexist.
Well, usually when men criticize women, it's not because of women acting like assholes to people, it's because womenz be crazy and all those lady-hormones and hamster brains make them hysterical bitches. This article is about men who use the title of 'intellectual' to say retarded shit. Usually those women articles…
You don't know what mansplaining means, do you?
You're really grasping. Hard.
I'm so completely exhausted trying to explain that just because feminism primarily focuses on women's issues doesn't mean that it doesn't care about men. The thing is, feminism is so freaking busy trying to keep lawmakers from ripping health care out of women's hands and all this other shit, that it doesn't have time…
lol Wow, someone likes to hear themselves type.
A lot of these American satire cartoons really miss what satire is about. It's more about embracing the essence of the target of satire and channeling it in a humorous way contrary to the original intent. Now we get: "oh so that persons gay, oh so that person's fat, oh so he's stupid, ok, so what?". Oh look, they're…