
You're way off into another stratosphere. These boys did what they did because the moment she passed out, she became a warm object with no agency whatsoever, and therefore a thing to be used for your own pleasure and comfort like a pillow or a footrest. To them she became a way for those boys to live out their

MRAs would complain that men are poor abused puppies who suffer at the hands of those evil 'hamster brained cunts'.

I gotta hand it to her, not only is the idea behind the trick pretty clever (nothing up my sleeves, and to prove it, I'll take them off!), but she's pretty gutsy to be that comfortable with her body in front of all those people. I also still don't know how she's doing that.

Because fuck you Van Halen. Fuck you.

I once trollingly brought up that those kids that were molested and raped by that Penn dude were just 'fags' who 'wanted it'.

Part of the reason that so many tend to be repeat offenders is because their life is pretty much over by the time they are get out at 49 and have no job, no friends, no family willing to be there. All that they have is to go back to their old ways and try not to get caught this time. Same goes with gangbangers, once

One of the dumbest things I have read about this was a woman, a WOMAN, saying that the girl was a stupid little slut (quoted) and it was her fault because she got black-out drunk. But that's not the kicker, then she goes to say that the dudes got too harsh of a punishment because they were young and INTOXICATED.

I find it disheartening when I hear those MRAs who say that men are the ones who experience sexism on a daily basis, not women. Every time I bring up this kind of sexual harassment that happens on a daily basis, I get brushed off and reminded of how 'sexist' the draft is. If we're going to get through to them, it

> They need to be taught that women are people, not just objects to stick their dicks in.

Because gay men, women, same difference.

There's a difference between satire and then writing ignorant bullshit or "trolling" as some internet people would call it. To me, this smelt of troll, not satire. True satire is veiled humor, and clearly winks to its audience who the author knows is in on the joke. This was just pure black humor, where the only

Well the thing is here, the state reps are //supposed// to vote on issues they way that the people want. And of course, many of those people happen to have religious beliefs of one kind or another. There will never be a complete separation of doctrine and legislation until the democratic system is done away with and

I really agree with what you're saying. I feel that many Christians today invoke the faith in a completely selfish way, and instead of working to make the world a better place, they are simply working to make the world a better place for themselves. But, as you see in this article, when the outside world collides with

Having staunch adherence to a religion seriously messes with your capacity to understand and empathize with other people. Because you are holding yourself up to such high standards of piety, you somehow tend to look down upon those who aren't straining themselves to constipate their emotions and spirit with a

The difference between the two is that in one you are the attacker and in the other you are the victim. A better parallel would be drinking->car crash and drinking->raping someone. And, as you see both are considered unacceptable excuses.

No, no, nonononono. See, the problem here is that men are taught that rape behavior is okay, and in fact are encouraged to engage in rape behavior. Focusing on women and not the fact that men think that if a woman decides to get in a car with a man she has to give up her vagina to him until he's finished, is what's

I think the worse part about men is the idea that they want sex all the time and are okay with any sexual attention a woman gives him. I'm asexual and have had women inappropriately touch me thinking it was funny and then they got legitimately pissed off when I yelled at them for it.

I think it should be even more than don't BE that guy, it should be, "Don't let anyone else BE that guy."

Have you been in combat?