
We’ve already established that Nora has changed the future through her actions, so Barry hasn’t just dropped her off in her home time. Who knows what else has changed through the actions in the present? COZ BARRY SURE DOESN’T.

The T’Challa/Zemo scene is terrific, but the fight is the definitive moment of the film. It’s a concentration of the Civil War of the rest of the film, and it’s a moment years and movies in the making. It’s definitive for the film, the characters, and the themes the movie itself is exploring. T’Challa’s conversation


For the rankings of the DCEU to MCU:

I think it’s easy for people to forget about Iron Man 3, as it comparatively had very little impact on the MCU’s narrative (Tony stops being Iron Man, then goes right back to being Iron Man for Age of Ultron), and wasn’t a landmark film like Black Panther or, now, Captain Marvel. In Marvel history, it doesn’t mean a

I had it on VHS as a kid - it was available in that format in the UK in the 90s. I used to really enjoy it, and when I rewatched it as an adult I still found a lot that was good about it while being more aware of its contexts and what’s defensible and what’s still problematic. And as well as the PCness matters there’s

Ah, I’m on the UK one. I’ll look into it anyway. Thanks! :) 

Interesting - I’ll look into it further. Would this be Prime in the US? 

The theatrical cut is - I meant the original 3.5 hour draft Joss Whedon spoke of. You can compare the pacing of Age of Ultron with its predecessor - I believe that the sequel’s pacing at 3.5 hours would be much closer to 2012's movie... and much better as a result. (I think some deleted scenes are on there too, but -

I think with Age of Ultron you kind of have to try to enjoy it in spite of itself. It’s messy, and clunky, but by gum there’s some damn fine stuff in there. I actually really enjoy Vision’s stuff in it, although it’s problematically paced - after all, he’s only introduced for the third act with very few scenes of

That is an interesting dilemma. I’m generally agnostic now, but I was raised Church of England, and I always liked the approach of my church, which felt like it had the tradition and the glory (hymns, sermons, the creed, the works) but was very open-minded and welcoming. I still go back quite regularly (various family

That kind of analysis is much more interesting than the vaguely gesturing ‘But that’s kind of rubbish’ in the main article.

It’s still difficult to see exactly how you think a lot of these things could be improved - your Greatest Showman point ‘Against some of the competition, these enjoyable sequences look like triumphs’ is a pretty clear backhanded compliment (plus it’s in the header image, so very confusing listing there), so you’ve got

Apologies for missing that point, but you moved so swiftly without a change in tone that it was hardly clear they were meant to provide a counterpoint (and half a paragraph in a 16 paragraph article, without actual detail of why those succeed while the primary examples fail, doesn’t really work as a ‘this is what to

Ah, a troll. Bye.

I applaud the effort, but you’ve only done half an article - you never actually call out an example of what a ‘good’ movie musical number is. The closest you get is citing Moulin Rouge without actually saying it’s a counterexample, and referencing Singing in the Rain for the numbers that are more run of the mill. What

... you somehow managed to respond to a sentence before even finishing reading it. That’s impressive.

A lovely and nuanced article, but I do think you’re being rather disingenuous by placing so much ill-will against the 2016 film at the hands of the sexists. Yes, there were some horribly misogynistic trolls who decried it and its cast from well before the film’s release and never shut up about it (including President

An interesting argument, and I see what you’re saying, and I’m glad you can enjoy it in that way... but I also think that’s giving a creator a free pass when they haven’t thought something through either out of laziness, ignorance or sheer bloody-mindedness.

So, I’d never heard of the show before the investigation brought all these details to light, and none of the articles I’ve seen about it all have had dates attached. I therefore assumed the show was from, like, 2000-2003 - something Dushku was working on post-her main appearances on Buffy and Angel. So much of the