
Why is any of this an issue in cartoons? I get it with stereotypes, but they wouldn’t stop being stereotypes because of the performer. They’re acting.

VR? Seems like a natural fit for VR.

This must be really embarassing for you, Britt, but I think you meant to put “It’s a brilliant attack against white liberals too oblivious of their own advantages to see that their selfless actions are often foolish and misguided, and also frequently does more harm than good.”. I mean, that’s the AV Club’s quote from

There’s a bunch of different theories about why ‘white’ became ‘good’ and ‘black’ became ‘bad’. One of the theoretical origins is the old notion that white was a lack of colour, ie. pure (hence white dresses for a bride...), while black was the exact opposite, containing all the colours and therefore being impure,

Gunn apologised for it when he was caught the first time.

It’s frustrating that the general consensus (particularly on more liberal sites) is that James Gunn can be forgiven, yet there’s no room for an opportunity for change with this guy. The main differences seem to be that James Gunn took his down while Sawyer didn’t, and I guess that James Gunn made a lot of stands

My guess is they’ve got someone in mind to take over, but they wouldn’t necessarily be suitable to play Kate Kane. For example, Stephanie Beatriz expressed interest in Batwoman - but it’s a lot to see her as Ruby Rose’s Kate Kane (plus they already faced backlash over Ruby Rose’s casting for her not being Jewish -

This was an absolute delight. More please.

*American sitcom.

Love Crystal Maze. I got to play the London one a few years ago, and I hope to be able to go again at some point (when everything is, you know, slightly less fucked). It really did feel like being in the TV show.

It seems pretty weird that Take Manhattan and From Space are the only films missing from Disney+ - a very basic search hasn’t thrown up why those two are separate, but those two also seem to be left out of DVD boxsets of the other films and can be purchased together, so they’re presumably dealt with by a separate

I’ve had the SE since about a year into its lifecycle, wanting to stick with the 5S I’d become used to. 5/6 years on, the phone barely charges, but I didn’t want to go up to a larger phone (without the fingerprint ID), and so I eventually resigned myself to getting an 8. That was on Friday - and when I went online to

This better not awaken anything in me...

I love Gus, and I like Lydia, but their scenes together (and most of Gus’, in fact) come across a bit too ‘Gandalf investigating the Necromancer’. Sure, it’s ‘where they were’ and ‘how x and y happened’, but it’s not a lot more than that.

I liked the title, but as soon as I saw the first trailer I got a sense of it being the tail wagging the dog. It’s pretty much impossible to say quite how the film’s premise changed over the last two years, but what they were advertising was definitely not a Birds of Prey movie with Harley Quinn, but a Harley Quinn

Better have Ron Howard on standby.

Wonderful! Just in time for third seasons of Agent Carter and Galavant!

I think I would have preferred him going to prison and finding redemption. The final product just didn’t feel like it accomplished anything, besides getting the cast back, because he ends where we’d pretty much assumed he would from the end of the show. He’s free - that was his final moment of the series, and it’s the

Without disrespecting the game (which I really enjoyed) I think in all honesty the reason they didn’t use Conroy and Hamill was for budget reasons and, for want of a better word, ‘celebrity’ reasons (Hamill had already announced his departure from the role despite returning for Knight - it would have been easier to

I’ve spent several minutes trying to come up with a leak/leek pun that would work in written form. I have failed.