
Is Lois Lane legitimately making less money than Clark Kent? If not, that was a bizarre thing to throw into their conversation. If so... what? Doesn’t she have like three Pulitzer Prizes by now? While Clark is basically just a jobbing reporter? How dense is the Perry White of Earth-38?

Haven’t seen the episode yet, but the Doctor calling the character ‘Tim Shaw’ has bugged me since the premiere. Did no-one else feel uncomfortable that the Doctor was mocking a non-native by anglicising their name? I get that he’s the villain, but did that not feel a bit... icky to anyone else?

Eli was a decent villain in season 4 of Agents of SHIELD. He wasn’t fantastic, but he kept up a good threat level and had a strong connection to what else was going on in that arc (which was never really about him, it was about the leads and the new cast for that run).

Don’t bother with recognitions, they’re basically a parody of social justice warriors at this point. There’s no reasoning with someone who puts flirting on the same level as sexual assault.

I remember them mentioning Riley, River and Harper among others; they were definitely all gender neutral.

Last week’s came close for me, and I have found some good stuff in quite a few eps of the season, but it’s still hard to argue with you. Jeremy Bearimy was masterful on pretty much all sides in the way most of seasons 1 and 2 were.

I’m really not getting what you’re trying to say here. What exactly do you think are the accusations against each?

I’ve found the show genuinely very funny a lot in the past, but season three has definitely been the weakest there. The first three/four episodes in particular really struggled for good laughs. Then we got onto a good stretch with Megan Amram’s ‘Jeremy Bearimy’, but this latest episode had some really poorly thought

That episode was... kind of lame? Not in the story (although there’s real problems there - per the established rules, hasn’t Doug already forfeited all points by working purely for them? Shouldn’t Michael know that?), but in the poor comedy. So many jokes are so painfully obviously set up, or out of character, or just

Thank God someone else has noticed the terrible direction and blocking, I thought I was going mad. It was so bad in the first half of this week’s episode; so far only one director has been any good this season, and it’s Sallie Aprahamian on ep 4.

The music has no range at the moment, it’s all ominous melancholy. Which is fine for the second half of this episode, but terrible for the first half or for the ‘comedy’ of last week’s. 

The direction was great? Really? Characters appear out of nowhere or show up for a beat before saying something vitally important, questions have unrelated actions before the response kicks in, people sharing a scene are facing in all manner of directions on the screen so there’s no way to get a bearing on what

What I’d love to see is some of the Blu-Ray extras - I don’t own a Blu-Ray player, and I mostly stopped buying the MCU DVDs as the extras dried up (around Avengers/Iron Man 3), because seeing the film in the cinema and occasionally when it’s airing/streaming somewhere is enough for me. But the commentaries, making ofs

Holy crap - I never registered before now that that title was grammatically incorrect.

Yeah, I’m more thinking of the public response to the Capaldi era rather than the quality itself. Series 10 did indeed pull off a strong back to basics feel... well, for the first half of the season, anyway. But it wasn’t the ‘fresh start’ this season very much is, so it didn’t have (or didn’t find) the opportunity to

Yeah, I’m more thinking of the public response to the Capaldi era rather than the quality itself. Series 10 did indeed pull off a strong back to basics feel... well, for the first half of the season, anyway. But it wasn’t the ‘fresh start’ this season very much is, so it didn’t have (or didn’t find) the opportunity to

I’m not sure I’d use quite those terms, since I think if the episodes so far were well executed they’d be a strong start to the series. I think it’s in the io9 comments section that someone compared this run to The Force Awakens: back to basics to remind the audience what the franchise is and prove they can do it

His dialogue is just terrible. The best so far was on Rosa, so I assume Malorie Blackman wrote most of the actual script for that one. But he’s got some good ideas, and his thoughts on exactly what the series should be and do are right up my street. The execution is just really, really shitty.

Well, technically the phone had the power of mind control...

I *think* she’s meant to be ~27/28. She’s born a few years before Barry disappears, and she’s confirmed that he still doesn’t return for 25 years after.