
That’s a great idea, and I think if Rian Johnson were heading up IX then we might stand a chance of seeing it... but JJ Abrams won’t. There was far more acknowledgement of the prequels in TLJ than there was in TFA, which only ever reflected or referenced the original trilogy. JJ won’t play to that kind of specificity

It is a deeply stupid movie, and one of the sweetest, most adorable films ever made, with some very funny gags in. It’s an utter delight.

It is entirely her fault that so many people died - Poe was reckless and arrogant, but when he stormed onto the bridge announcing what her plan was and why it wouldn’t work, all Holdo had to say was ‘No, actually, the First Order WON’T see us because...’ and hundreds (thousands?) of lives would be saved. People say

(Assuming you mean the last search rather than the epilogue sort-of-puzzle-but-not-really: ) I didn’t think the final chapter was quite the easiest - it’s a bit more challenging than the opening couple of chapters - but it was definitely easier than the immediately preceding chapter. The game had been getting

Seriously, almost every episode this season has ended on what could have been a season finale. I have no idea how they can(/will) top themselves for the ACTUAL season finale.

The Good Place: Every episode is a season finale

Pepsi Max with Cherry (UK variant). It’s. The. Best.

That reminds me, one of the few things that bugged me about the movie at the time was the seemingly interminable reprises of the ‘Force’ theme. He may have been subverting it, but that sure did involve playing it a lot.

I maintain that this entire film series has been designed specifically for my mother. I have no idea how or why so many people would sign off on spending years and millions of pounds just for the benefit of a retired headmistress from Nottingham, but if you knew my mum you’d know it to be true as well.

What kind of lame stunt and dance shows have you been to?

She’s a nice presence when she turns up, but it’s also become quite clear the writers don’t really know what to do with her long term. Most of the different outlooks Jane needs in any given episode are provided by Xo and Alba, with the occasional addition of Rafael and Rogelio’s points of view. It’s hard to engineer

Hold up... his mother was called Susan? SUSAN? That’s my mother’s name!

Mars and Nimrod. The people behind that couldn’t have picked two better pieces of music for this. Nicely done.

Susan was meant to be 15... but also, the entire point of her role in Dalek Invasion of Earth is that she’s feeling like being with the Doctor was keeping her from growing up, which is why she wants to stay behind - and why the Doctor realises he must let her go - at the end of the last episode.

You know, I used to think the Doctor regenerating should be a surprise, but I was showing some friends various classic Who stories and I showed them The Caves of Androzani without telling them it was Davison’s last... and they were kind of underwhelmed. The Doctor makes these grand statements and gestures all the

Indeed. The 1st Doctor (and many others, right the way through to the New Series) was sexist on more than one occasion, but it was scarcely as overt as presented here. A better way would be to demonstrate some of his more casual sexism - ‘my child’ or ‘my dear’, or suggesting that the women needed to be protected and

Well, that episode was... good. Very competent, and nice to see two great characters team up in a way they hadn’t really before... but it’s a shame there was so much story to get through. The only real ‘character’ scene was quite late on, and although there were sprinklings of lines throughout keeping the themes going

Agents of SHIELD, any scene with Fitz and AIDA/Ophelia. Particularly one with Simmons watching.

Indeed, but also it means that the descant verse ‘Sing Choirs of Angels’ is penultimate, making for an anticlimactic ending unjustifiable and ineffective EXCEPT on Christmas Day itself! Why would anyone DO THAT?

That monster. Making a choir sing the final verse before Christmas day, that’s just unforgivable. ‘Born this happy morning’, it’s right there in the first few lines!